I think I have OCD. I'm constantly cleaning, rearranging, dusting, so much so the mans hid my cleaning supplies. FUCKER!!!! Now I'm sitting here shaking while I type cause I'm pretty sure that the fingerprint on the screen contains some kind of skin-eating bacteria...
After finally counting all of my CD'S, I realize that I now have a grand total of 6,274. Pretty impressive huh? I bet by the end of this year that total will be increased by at least another thousand...
Speaking of music the girl SM hooked me onto the musical genius Roy Hargrove. I'm absolutely addicted to "I'll Stay" and "Poetry"...
I'm constantly buying random shit that I don't need. For instance Tuesday I saw this commercial on VH1 soul for these foot-pads that supposedly cleanse toxins from your body while you sleep. I'm almost certain its a hoax but I just had to have them...
Since we are on the feet topic, I recently found out that I have tendonitis... After much research I found that it can occur from an old injury that has been agitated... I'm thinking its from when I fractured my ankle from jumping a fence, back in my tom-boy days...
I am addicted to you tube...
The new Usher CD is GARBAGE, Your Lips, My Ass...They Should Meet...Forward All Objections To IT...
On the sense of garbage music, what ever happened to the "Feel Good Music," "Soul Music," "Real R&B?"... I swear if I hear one more Soulja Boy song, I'm turning in my Black Card...
I would kill for some Crawfish right about now...
My Mom is the only lady I know who goes to church every Sunday, but cusses like a sailor. Speaks the truth on Black on Black violence, but will quickly fuck a bitch up at any given time. Talks about the disadvantages of Drankin', but puts nasty ass Brandy in her morning coffee. God I Love That Chick!...
I hate pork chops...
Hopefully by this time in about four years ya gurl will be a licensed RN. An Architect and a Nurse, what a combination...
I am terrified of anything that crawls, slides, squirms, and jumps...
Making love in the rain is so overrated...
I'm thinkin about getting that "Rihanna Hair Cut"...
I'm not where I need to be in life to be having kids... But if it were to happen trust that we are ready...
Candles, Candles everywhere...
I hold grudges...
But I am a forgiving person...
Loud Bass twenty-four fucking seven...
Two vices, smoking and drinkin...
Addicted to the word mothafucka, hell any other vulgar word for that matter...Bite me...
The more the better...
That Is All World. Until next time, I'LL HOLLA!!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Day In The Life Of...
That chick that goes by the name of T.
Lets see, wake up at some random time in the early morning because for some strange reason my body doesn't believe in sleeping in without force. Try to make it to the bathroom without accidentally killing myself from falling over shoes or tools that the BF decided to what seems like to me purposely place in my blurry walking path. Take care of the business in the bathroom, crawl back into bed, push the mans back to his side, try to fall back asleep, but soon realize that the music that was once relaxing is now annoying as fuck. Ugghh!! The music's off and whoop whoop mission accomplished, back in my slumber.
Ten O'Clock in the A.M. alarm goes off, I pretend not to hear it but am forced to face reality when HE wants me to thank him for the nice gesture of turning that shit off by doing the morning mambo. Oh No Sir! Time to get ready for work, three hours to be exact...
One O'Clock in the afternoon, on my way to work. I'm blasting something motivational to change every intent that I have to turn the car around cause I'm in my fuckitall mood. Half hour later I step foot into Hell. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but work in general leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I say my hello's to everyone, head to the office only to find that 90% of the staff called in. Great, Just Fucking Great!!! There goes my day of not doing shit. Making orders, doing dishes, handling lame ass customer complaints, listening to nonstop whining, blah, blah, blah...
Time flies and the celebration begins, I can now go home. Ten O'Clock P.M., makes a mad dash for the door running back style, drives off doing 90 out the parking lot, get home only to find something romantic that the man has/is doing. Well no good deed goes unrewarded... Time flies, and now its time for bed. Try to fall back asleep, but soon realize that the silence that was once relaxing is now annoying as fuck. Ugghh!! Turns the music on. Music's on and whoop whoop mission accomplished, fuck counting sheep, I'd rather count money. This is the daily process, now there are the rare occasions in which I eat, talk to the fam, watch t.v., you know things that a normal person would do, but nothing about my life is normal. Just add insane parties that quickly turns into orgies(Thats when a bitch bounces) on the weekends and you got yourself a certified business woman.
Lets see, wake up at some random time in the early morning because for some strange reason my body doesn't believe in sleeping in without force. Try to make it to the bathroom without accidentally killing myself from falling over shoes or tools that the BF decided to what seems like to me purposely place in my blurry walking path. Take care of the business in the bathroom, crawl back into bed, push the mans back to his side, try to fall back asleep, but soon realize that the music that was once relaxing is now annoying as fuck. Ugghh!! The music's off and whoop whoop mission accomplished, back in my slumber.
Ten O'Clock in the A.M. alarm goes off, I pretend not to hear it but am forced to face reality when HE wants me to thank him for the nice gesture of turning that shit off by doing the morning mambo. Oh No Sir! Time to get ready for work, three hours to be exact...
One O'Clock in the afternoon, on my way to work. I'm blasting something motivational to change every intent that I have to turn the car around cause I'm in my fuckitall mood. Half hour later I step foot into Hell. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but work in general leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I say my hello's to everyone, head to the office only to find that 90% of the staff called in. Great, Just Fucking Great!!! There goes my day of not doing shit. Making orders, doing dishes, handling lame ass customer complaints, listening to nonstop whining, blah, blah, blah...
Time flies and the celebration begins, I can now go home. Ten O'Clock P.M., makes a mad dash for the door running back style, drives off doing 90 out the parking lot, get home only to find something romantic that the man has/is doing. Well no good deed goes unrewarded... Time flies, and now its time for bed. Try to fall back asleep, but soon realize that the silence that was once relaxing is now annoying as fuck. Ugghh!! Turns the music on. Music's on and whoop whoop mission accomplished, fuck counting sheep, I'd rather count money. This is the daily process, now there are the rare occasions in which I eat, talk to the fam, watch t.v., you know things that a normal person would do, but nothing about my life is normal. Just add insane parties that quickly turns into orgies(Thats when a bitch bounces) on the weekends and you got yourself a certified business woman.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Go On Boy....
I first saw love almost three years ago. He smiled, took my ID to verify my status, though I made nothing of it. At the time I was going through yet another break-up, and smiles and kind words were not the shit that I was trying to hear/see at the time. The tour went on, but by the end we had exchanged numbers. Days passed...finally....a call, just to hear that sexy voice and I was good. "Would you like to go out tonight?" A little hesitant, because I knew he would be deemed as the "rebound," "Yes I would"
First date I was on the biggest high, maybe from your swagger, sense of humor, respect of my femininity... all the less I wanted to be your girl. We laughed, ate a delicious meal, saw this movie, you know the usual...
Second date the wanting for you became harder to hide into our round two of the first date, but still no goodnight kiss.
A pause in our mission, I had to leave for work and wouldn't be able to see you for a couple of days. Sucks, I knew this, but thanks to you and T-Mobile my bill had me seeing large quantities of digits, but it was all cool baby cause I loved hearing your baritone.
...Time flies, we were now officially a couple... dates were a thing of the past. Now we were just "going out" but still the intimacy that we both needed and wanted was not present. Yet you kept your cool, never pressuring me into doing something that I may have denied that I wasn't ready for, but my body could no longer contain...
...The First....The first time we became one, the first time I shared something with you that is only shared with the selected. The first time I let you in the innermost aspects of this misses... Was and still to this day one of the greatest moments in my life. I never thought that such happiness could be achieved by the combining of two, but since.... I've never...
The weather was sunny yet gloomy this day, though I was full of sunshine cause I was marrying the man of my dreams. Took them vows and nobody could tell me nothing. I was in love baby and you were the reason. Did I think about the what if's and the maybe's, yes I did but none of that shit mattered to me, cause you had me and I had you...
Smooth sailing hon, sure we had our problems, but what marriage didn't... Is what I kept telling myself to get through the fact that this was not the life that I wanted. Don't get me wrong you were/are still an awesome man... It was ALL me, my fuckedupness, my constant need to be supreme, my ever dying hunger for the things I can't have, me always wanting a change and etc... Yet you remained the same, and to that baby I say don't change.
You know its funny... I never thought that we would be HERE. I mean how could you say that you really love someone, but when it's all said and done hate each other like the fucking plague. Why baby? I never meant for things to be this way, I wish we could just BE FRIENDS, but this isn't possible considering that my truth is why you hate me so much now... But it is what it is love... Go On Boy!!! Though we ended on such bad terms, there is/will always be a LITTLE part of me that still loves you. Souvenirs is what I call them...
To My Ex-Husband...Maybe just a little of what you didn't know ex-lover... Eat up, Enjoy!!!
First date I was on the biggest high, maybe from your swagger, sense of humor, respect of my femininity... all the less I wanted to be your girl. We laughed, ate a delicious meal, saw this movie, you know the usual...
Second date the wanting for you became harder to hide into our round two of the first date, but still no goodnight kiss.
A pause in our mission, I had to leave for work and wouldn't be able to see you for a couple of days. Sucks, I knew this, but thanks to you and T-Mobile my bill had me seeing large quantities of digits, but it was all cool baby cause I loved hearing your baritone.
...Time flies, we were now officially a couple... dates were a thing of the past. Now we were just "going out" but still the intimacy that we both needed and wanted was not present. Yet you kept your cool, never pressuring me into doing something that I may have denied that I wasn't ready for, but my body could no longer contain...
...The First....The first time we became one, the first time I shared something with you that is only shared with the selected. The first time I let you in the innermost aspects of this misses... Was and still to this day one of the greatest moments in my life. I never thought that such happiness could be achieved by the combining of two, but since.... I've never...
The weather was sunny yet gloomy this day, though I was full of sunshine cause I was marrying the man of my dreams. Took them vows and nobody could tell me nothing. I was in love baby and you were the reason. Did I think about the what if's and the maybe's, yes I did but none of that shit mattered to me, cause you had me and I had you...
Smooth sailing hon, sure we had our problems, but what marriage didn't... Is what I kept telling myself to get through the fact that this was not the life that I wanted. Don't get me wrong you were/are still an awesome man... It was ALL me, my fuckedupness, my constant need to be supreme, my ever dying hunger for the things I can't have, me always wanting a change and etc... Yet you remained the same, and to that baby I say don't change.
You know its funny... I never thought that we would be HERE. I mean how could you say that you really love someone, but when it's all said and done hate each other like the fucking plague. Why baby? I never meant for things to be this way, I wish we could just BE FRIENDS, but this isn't possible considering that my truth is why you hate me so much now... But it is what it is love... Go On Boy!!! Though we ended on such bad terms, there is/will always be a LITTLE part of me that still loves you. Souvenirs is what I call them...
To My Ex-Husband...Maybe just a little of what you didn't know ex-lover... Eat up, Enjoy!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Girls Let Yo Bowels Loose...
My friend B sent me the link to this crazy ass video a few mins ago. I have to say this is some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while. The bitch is on some other shit, but IT'S DA TRUTH. Alls I got to say is ladies there is nothing wrong with taking a shit at yo mans house. I mean, you let the mofo stick his dick in ya and all types of random shit, but you can't take a shit at his house, come on man, it's 2008, its old. Just like they don't make women who don't suck a dick anymore, its time for that shit to retire. Anyways check out this video.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Whats Yo Fantasy...
Well since my fantasy of fucking Mr. Marcus in the back of a piggly wiggly has been shattered due to the fact of my lovely Mr. Wright, Its time to fulfill a new one. Shit you got to make sacrifices in love, anyways I can count the number of times I've been asked whats my fantasy on ten peoples hand, but never answered seriously until....
The weather has been on some other shit here lately, so we've really had nothing to do but chill at home, watch movies, drank, and gain about 10 pounds a piece from all the fast food. Anyways we we're just chillin and out comes the questions. *Gives him the are you serious look, cause knowing this mofo this is just another attempt to get some, knowing good damn well hes cut off because of the cheeseburger incident* And after a series of questions to verify his sincerity, I attempted to answer his question, but quickly realized that I had no idea. I mean I've done about everything that I could possibly fathom (except Mr. Marcus), but yet there is so much left to do. Its not the fact that I am not creative enough, its just that when it comes to him fulfilling it I want it to be "special" and original. All of these thoughts were running through my head, will he, won't he, will it be the same afterwards, whats the injury rate like... Then I realized that my "true fantasy" was being fulfilled daily. That it was not about sex at all, it was about me actually finding true happiness in a man...
Licking his lips LL Style, he slowly caressed my thigh, turned up the "Me And Mrs. Jones" and stuffed another oatmeal pie in his mouth. (Nasty bastards prolly thought I was about to say some freaky shit huh, SUCKAS) We generally have good conversation, but I have to say this was the best. Knowing him it'll only get better with time.... Well world, thats about all that I want to talk about tonight...Sooooooo I'll Holla!!!
The weather has been on some other shit here lately, so we've really had nothing to do but chill at home, watch movies, drank, and gain about 10 pounds a piece from all the fast food. Anyways we we're just chillin and out comes the questions. *Gives him the are you serious look, cause knowing this mofo this is just another attempt to get some, knowing good damn well hes cut off because of the cheeseburger incident* And after a series of questions to verify his sincerity, I attempted to answer his question, but quickly realized that I had no idea. I mean I've done about everything that I could possibly fathom (except Mr. Marcus), but yet there is so much left to do. Its not the fact that I am not creative enough, its just that when it comes to him fulfilling it I want it to be "special" and original. All of these thoughts were running through my head, will he, won't he, will it be the same afterwards, whats the injury rate like... Then I realized that my "true fantasy" was being fulfilled daily. That it was not about sex at all, it was about me actually finding true happiness in a man...
Licking his lips LL Style, he slowly caressed my thigh, turned up the "Me And Mrs. Jones" and stuffed another oatmeal pie in his mouth. (Nasty bastards prolly thought I was about to say some freaky shit huh, SUCKAS) We generally have good conversation, but I have to say this was the best. Knowing him it'll only get better with time.... Well world, thats about all that I want to talk about tonight...Sooooooo I'll Holla!!!
I'm Not Eating Fo Dayz
Well I was goin talk about what random shit I was goin get into this weekend, BUT THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE SON...

OMG, Is all I can say. I spotted this shit over at TheBeatniks. This really fucked up my equilibrium. Fat mothafucka!!! Looking like a turtle with tiddies, and Isaac Hayes on steroids. I can't do this shit today.

OMG, Is all I can say. I spotted this shit over at TheBeatniks. This really fucked up my equilibrium. Fat mothafucka!!! Looking like a turtle with tiddies, and Isaac Hayes on steroids. I can't do this shit today.
Are You Serious,
This Is Some BullShit
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I Am An Awesome Girlfriend
I'm so intoxicated this is all I want to do right about now..... (Thats my sexy ass by the way, my baby took that photo many many nights ago in which I was to fucked up to stop him)
But I saw this little quiz and couldn't resist, I Am An Awesome Girlfriend...Anyways my ass is calling it an night. Goodnight World, I'll Holla!!!

What kind of boyfriend or girlfriend are you? My Result: Independent Yet Devoted | |||||||||
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Bytch Is Back...
Thats right people, I'm back and sexier than ever considering the fact that I had IV's and shit sticking out of my body for half a week. Apparently I had a mild case of pneumonia, but the shit was severe enough to hospitalize my black ass. The only good thing about that fucking plague was that I lost ten pounds, and loving it. So break out the champagne glasses, ITS A CELEBRATION BITCHES. On another note, there is something that I've been wanting to let out for weeks now, but didn't really have the strength to type, so why not let it out now...SHALL WE?
Strengths & Weakness...My Own Of Course...
Strength- Beauty
Weakness- Beauty(Its A Gift And A Curse)
Strength- Brains
Weakness- Intelligent Men
Strength- Power Of Persuasion
Weakness- Satisfaction
Strength- Money
Weakness- Shopping
Strength- Stability
Weakness- A Week Of Sheer Bliss! (Oh I Would Kill For Some Peace Right Now)
Strength- Loving
Weakness- Loving My Man (There is so much that I can say about him, but to summarize, I Love To Love Him)
Strength- Very Opinionated
Weakness- A Great Discussion
Strength- My Wit
Weakness- Funny jokes every and then
Strength- A Career
Weakness- Getting Raises On A Regular.
And the list could go on forever, but forever is not long enough now is it. I just wanted to let out a basis of what I perceive myself to be. Have a GOODNIGHT YA'LL, I know I will.
Strengths & Weakness...My Own Of Course...
Strength- Beauty
Weakness- Beauty(Its A Gift And A Curse)
Strength- Brains
Weakness- Intelligent Men
Strength- Power Of Persuasion
Weakness- Satisfaction
Strength- Money
Weakness- Shopping
Strength- Stability
Weakness- A Week Of Sheer Bliss! (Oh I Would Kill For Some Peace Right Now)
Strength- Loving
Weakness- Loving My Man (There is so much that I can say about him, but to summarize, I Love To Love Him)
Strength- Very Opinionated
Weakness- A Great Discussion
Strength- My Wit
Weakness- Funny jokes every and then
Strength- A Career
Weakness- Getting Raises On A Regular.
And the list could go on forever, but forever is not long enough now is it. I just wanted to let out a basis of what I perceive myself to be. Have a GOODNIGHT YA'LL, I know I will.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm Still Alive...
Sorry to disappoint some of you who wish I wasn't, but aside from me LIVING, I am sick as a dog. So sick, I possibly won't go back to work until Friday, I'm high as a kite from all the shit my baby has been making me take...I love my sexy, strong, thoughtful, caring, honest, funny BF, but I digress. So anyways I just wanted to check in with my status, for those who have been constantly checking in on a bytch, thanks so much, a million mickey mouse smooches for you, and for all others, I'll HOLLA!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
I'm Starting A New Ass Everyday Regime
So... No partying tonight *shocking I know*, me and the mans are just gonna watch some over-priced cable, drink about two cases of "Blue Moon" (which is like sipping on the jizz of gods by the way), and, well you know the rest.
I hope everyone has a wonderful, I repeat wonderful weekend... I know I will
*Smooches, Baby, I'll HOLLA!!"
I hope everyone has a wonderful, I repeat wonderful weekend... I know I will
*Smooches, Baby, I'll HOLLA!!"
Its A Celebration Bitches,
Me Myself And I,
Stop It Damnit, Just Stop It
So....last night I decided that drinking a full bottle of Wiederkehr Beau Noir and letting Mr. Wrights over-sized ass do only God knows what to me was a fucking good idea.
Today: Friday, May 9, 2008
I have a hangover that I'm almost certain is cancer evoking...swollen and sore in the naughty places, and this mofo has a big smile on his face.
*Crying* What did I do to deserve this, SHIT, I'm going back to bed.
Today: Friday, May 9, 2008
I have a hangover that I'm almost certain is cancer evoking...swollen and sore in the naughty places, and this mofo has a big smile on his face.
*Crying* What did I do to deserve this, SHIT, I'm going back to bed.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Mothers Day...Oh The Horror
This is the first year that I am NOT pulling out my hair trying to figure out what fabulous gift to get the LADY that gave me life. Oh no not this year, I'm too cool for that...
Every year about this time I ask the simple question, "so what do you want for Mothers Day", and every year I gets the same answer, "Oh whatever YOU want to get me is fine..."
Damnit, I don't know thats why I asked!!! *Of course I didn't say this to her because I'm pretty sure that she would have invented some kind of way to MURDER me through the phone. The headlines WOULD be evoking and that shit would SELL like free ass, and she'd have the nerve to catch a damn attitude when I ask to borrow a DOLLA...*
I mean really what are you ACTUALLY suppose to give a mother, a thank- you card? Thats just tacky and wrong on so many levels, I found this out the hard way...
So last year, I got her a gift certificate to the best damn spa in A-town, Louisiana, which was a bad call. About a month after Mothers Day, we had THIS convo...
Moi- Did you check out that spa yet?
The Moms- No, don't really have time.
Moi- What do you mean you don't have time, you have nothing but time
The Moms- Well I just don't like having random people feeling me up
Moi- What? This coming from the lady who has an obsession with strippers(male). I would have gotten you one, but I'm almost certain you're hubby wouldn't appreciate the gesture.
The Moms- *Laughing* I know right, I don't know baby, spa's just ain't my thing
Moi- Sorry...I promise to get ya something that you'll enjoy next year...
This year after constant nagging, and a few threats to get her that stripper, I finally got her to tell me exactly what she wants. I know my wallet will thank me for it later...
So... I got THE MOMS a ROLEX (2500.00 isn't cheap by the way AMAZON), and SIX, count em up, SIX bottles of LE' GREY GOOSE. She loves that shit, apparently she's having a cocktail party of some sort and needs all that damn liquor. Cocktail party my ass, she just wants to get loose off the goose, well at least she can show off her roley while doing it...
Ahhh, I need a drink.
Every year about this time I ask the simple question, "so what do you want for Mothers Day", and every year I gets the same answer, "Oh whatever YOU want to get me is fine..."
Damnit, I don't know thats why I asked!!! *Of course I didn't say this to her because I'm pretty sure that she would have invented some kind of way to MURDER me through the phone. The headlines WOULD be evoking and that shit would SELL like free ass, and she'd have the nerve to catch a damn attitude when I ask to borrow a DOLLA...*
I mean really what are you ACTUALLY suppose to give a mother, a thank- you card? Thats just tacky and wrong on so many levels, I found this out the hard way...
So last year, I got her a gift certificate to the best damn spa in A-town, Louisiana, which was a bad call. About a month after Mothers Day, we had THIS convo...
Moi- Did you check out that spa yet?
The Moms- No, don't really have time.
Moi- What do you mean you don't have time, you have nothing but time
The Moms- Well I just don't like having random people feeling me up
Moi- What? This coming from the lady who has an obsession with strippers(male). I would have gotten you one, but I'm almost certain you're hubby wouldn't appreciate the gesture.
The Moms- *Laughing* I know right, I don't know baby, spa's just ain't my thing
Moi- Sorry...I promise to get ya something that you'll enjoy next year...
This year after constant nagging, and a few threats to get her that stripper, I finally got her to tell me exactly what she wants. I know my wallet will thank me for it later...
So... I got THE MOMS a ROLEX (2500.00 isn't cheap by the way AMAZON), and SIX, count em up, SIX bottles of LE' GREY GOOSE. She loves that shit, apparently she's having a cocktail party of some sort and needs all that damn liquor. Cocktail party my ass, she just wants to get loose off the goose, well at least she can show off her roley while doing it...
Ahhh, I need a drink.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Miscellaneous (Cause Random Is Taken)
"Parlez-Vous Frances?"
No Bitch, now leave me the fuck alone(damn trainees). Now if you just so happen to come at me with some Spanish, German, hell even Ebonics, then we can talk.
I hate Buffets with a damn passion, okay let me elaborate. I have NO problem eating until my stomach burst, but being the manager of a damn buffet style restaurant really takes a toll on ya. This fucking buffet is 24 hours/ 7 days a week, and its all gravy until your dumb ass cook decides to quit without a notice, along with your dishwasher, and salad person. Good Times I Tell You, Good Mothafucking Times.
I am in Love with the new MARIO KART. WII ROCKS!!!
I hate dirty old men, who feels its their duty to say nasty shit to you and think that they can get away with it cause their old. Trust, I'll let a bitch know(old ass bastards).
I hate waiting in line after someone who feels as though they are gonna go broke cause the sign said one price, and they are being charged a 2 cents difference. Damn you...just Damn you.
I love my Closets, and all the designer shit packed into them.
Which brings me to the fact that I don't donate as much as I should, Lord Forgive Me.
I'm addicted to Patron' & Smooth Jazz, Hey everyone has their vices.
Since the miscarriage, I've really been thinking about a Three-Some...I think we should get a Dog.
I hate that damn "BLEEDING LOVE" song, every time I hear it I just want to slap someone...Thats not a good look, I'm a little violent as it is, I don't need some song provoking the wrath.
I Hate my bank.
But most of all I HATE McCain's ASS. Fucking Loser
...Sorry about all the hate, and such little love, but I just had to get that off my chest. Have a LOVING day, I know I will.
No Bitch, now leave me the fuck alone(damn trainees). Now if you just so happen to come at me with some Spanish, German, hell even Ebonics, then we can talk.
I hate Buffets with a damn passion, okay let me elaborate. I have NO problem eating until my stomach burst, but being the manager of a damn buffet style restaurant really takes a toll on ya. This fucking buffet is 24 hours/ 7 days a week, and its all gravy until your dumb ass cook decides to quit without a notice, along with your dishwasher, and salad person. Good Times I Tell You, Good Mothafucking Times.
I am in Love with the new MARIO KART. WII ROCKS!!!
I hate dirty old men, who feels its their duty to say nasty shit to you and think that they can get away with it cause their old. Trust, I'll let a bitch know(old ass bastards).
I hate waiting in line after someone who feels as though they are gonna go broke cause the sign said one price, and they are being charged a 2 cents difference. Damn you...just Damn you.
I love my Closets, and all the designer shit packed into them.
Which brings me to the fact that I don't donate as much as I should, Lord Forgive Me.
I'm addicted to Patron' & Smooth Jazz, Hey everyone has their vices.
Since the miscarriage, I've really been thinking about a Three-Some...I think we should get a Dog.
I hate that damn "BLEEDING LOVE" song, every time I hear it I just want to slap someone...Thats not a good look, I'm a little violent as it is, I don't need some song provoking the wrath.
I Hate my bank.
But most of all I HATE McCain's ASS. Fucking Loser
...Sorry about all the hate, and such little love, but I just had to get that off my chest. Have a LOVING day, I know I will.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Back On Track....Party On Baby
So....now that my soul is safely tucked back in, lets party. J/K, but seriously I just want to say thanks to all my friends and loved ones for the uplifting emails and texts. I'm doing 100% percent better now, and this wouldn't have been possible without your love and support. Thanks A Million
Wonder Woman Is Burned Out
She was born on December 30, 1986 at the exact time of 10:06 a.m.. The mother was so proud of her beautiful little black angel of 8 pounds 6 ounces, she decided to give her the name of a beautiful maiden. Her father, no where in sight, so on that day, at that exact moment, she decided that he wasn't needed, for she would be her all in all. Her childhood was average so to speak. She had everything she needed, and most of her wants. Her mother was there when the cuts and bruises of life began to take a toll on her spirit, and would say something so simple as "I Love You" to ease the burden of this cruel world.
For the first time I'm my life, last night, exact time unknown, I felt hopeless. The only thing that kept me from giving up, was the thought of my mother. Her strength, my strength, her teachings, my wisdom, her pain, my pain, her love, my heart, her prayers, MY LIFE! To be honest I really don't know what caused me to break down, I was watching a documentary with my BETTER HALF, and tears just began to roll down my face like a leaky faucet. All of these emotions just tumbled down upon me at once "Why did you do this, didn't do that, when, what, who, where, and why". For hours upon hours I evaluated my past and present situation, and it seemed that no matter how much I tried to just push these emotions aside like I normally do, my inner-being wasn't having it. This time I had to face the reality that I am filled, but yet starving, warm, but baby it's cold outside, together, but it always seems like something is missing. I had to face the fact that I may never be able to love a man completely because of being molested as a child. This man took something from me that damn well didn't belong to him, and now because of it I have trust and faith issues so my relationships are rocky from the start. I had to face the fact that the miscarriage wasn't my fault, it just wasn't our time. I had to face the fact that, this is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, a change is needed. I had to face the fact that it's OKAY to take a five minute break, from the pursuit of my happiness and etc...
I called my mother early this morning, after I assured(lied, which she knew (mothers instinct)) her that everything was okay, we had a pretty uplifting chat. She knew that I wasn't strong enough, so she doubled her strength. She knew that my faith was just about diminished, so she prayed for us both. She knew that, I just didn't know what to do, so she gave me suggestions. You know, words can't express how much I love and need her, Mr. Wright did all that he possibly could for me in that situation(poor baby), but I know that it was truly my mother who shined the light.
For the first time I'm my life, last night, exact time unknown, I felt hopeless. The only thing that kept me from giving up, was the thought of my mother. Her strength, my strength, her teachings, my wisdom, her pain, my pain, her love, my heart, her prayers, MY LIFE! To be honest I really don't know what caused me to break down, I was watching a documentary with my BETTER HALF, and tears just began to roll down my face like a leaky faucet. All of these emotions just tumbled down upon me at once "Why did you do this, didn't do that, when, what, who, where, and why". For hours upon hours I evaluated my past and present situation, and it seemed that no matter how much I tried to just push these emotions aside like I normally do, my inner-being wasn't having it. This time I had to face the reality that I am filled, but yet starving, warm, but baby it's cold outside, together, but it always seems like something is missing. I had to face the fact that I may never be able to love a man completely because of being molested as a child. This man took something from me that damn well didn't belong to him, and now because of it I have trust and faith issues so my relationships are rocky from the start. I had to face the fact that the miscarriage wasn't my fault, it just wasn't our time. I had to face the fact that, this is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, a change is needed. I had to face the fact that it's OKAY to take a five minute break, from the pursuit of my happiness and etc...
I called my mother early this morning, after I assured(lied, which she knew (mothers instinct)) her that everything was okay, we had a pretty uplifting chat. She knew that I wasn't strong enough, so she doubled her strength. She knew that my faith was just about diminished, so she prayed for us both. She knew that, I just didn't know what to do, so she gave me suggestions. You know, words can't express how much I love and need her, Mr. Wright did all that he possibly could for me in that situation(poor baby), but I know that it was truly my mother who shined the light.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Stay In School
I know that I promised to post pics and details of Friday nights shenanigans, but the pics are terrible, and the details are vague. But in the spirit of fuckery, I do have an interesting story that I will share.
So.... last night we decided to go to a bar, we don't have clubs here in Laramie, just bars, and a shit-ton of them. Everythang was everythang, just me and the girls hanging getting drunk off of countless shots of Patron', and out of no where this thing (I'm not even gonna say man) approached me with the craziest pick-up line I've ever heard. I have to say brother was banging, but I have something even better at home. So anyways homie came up to me, and this is exactly how the convo went.
Homie- You remind me of my mom.
Me- Umm excuse me
Homie-You remind me of my mom.
Me- Is that right, How so?
Homie- Cause baby you're beauty has been whooping my ass all night long.
Me- *Staring* Are you serious?
Homie- Yeah baby, when you goin let me hit that?
Me- *leaned over to the girlfriend* Did this mothafucka say that I've been beating his ass with my looks?
S.M.- Yeah, I'm still stuck on the whole moms thing.
So... by this time, S.M. and I are dying laughing, Mr. Wright walks up to buy me a drank (we were on some, "lets play strangers at the bar, and then go home and have wild kinky sex on the lawn then move it to the pool table for the finale", type shit), I gladly accept. Seeing all this go down, homie decides to get all emotional and starts to talk shit. He really just made matters worst for himself, by this time tears were running down my face, but I was finally calm enough to address the situation.
Me- First of all I'm not completely sure that I'm comfortable with you saying that you want to hit anything, seeing that you obviously have some kind of freaky thoughts of incest shit that you need to discuss with your mom. Second, I'm not that drunk, hell to be honest with you, ya quickly sobered me up. And third, now this is the most important one so listen carefully, get what we in the land of no bullshit like to call, THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!!!
UGGHH!!!!! I have no tolerance for ignant mofo's especially men, stay in school damnit, just stay in school!!!
So.... last night we decided to go to a bar, we don't have clubs here in Laramie, just bars, and a shit-ton of them. Everythang was everythang, just me and the girls hanging getting drunk off of countless shots of Patron', and out of no where this thing (I'm not even gonna say man) approached me with the craziest pick-up line I've ever heard. I have to say brother was banging, but I have something even better at home. So anyways homie came up to me, and this is exactly how the convo went.
Homie- You remind me of my mom.
Me- Umm excuse me
Homie-You remind me of my mom.
Me- Is that right, How so?
Homie- Cause baby you're beauty has been whooping my ass all night long.
Me- *Staring* Are you serious?
Homie- Yeah baby, when you goin let me hit that?
Me- *leaned over to the girlfriend* Did this mothafucka say that I've been beating his ass with my looks?
S.M.- Yeah, I'm still stuck on the whole moms thing.
So... by this time, S.M. and I are dying laughing, Mr. Wright walks up to buy me a drank (we were on some, "lets play strangers at the bar, and then go home and have wild kinky sex on the lawn then move it to the pool table for the finale", type shit), I gladly accept. Seeing all this go down, homie decides to get all emotional and starts to talk shit. He really just made matters worst for himself, by this time tears were running down my face, but I was finally calm enough to address the situation.
Me- First of all I'm not completely sure that I'm comfortable with you saying that you want to hit anything, seeing that you obviously have some kind of freaky thoughts of incest shit that you need to discuss with your mom. Second, I'm not that drunk, hell to be honest with you, ya quickly sobered me up. And third, now this is the most important one so listen carefully, get what we in the land of no bullshit like to call, THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE!!!
UGGHH!!!!! I have no tolerance for ignant mofo's especially men, stay in school damnit, just stay in school!!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Weekend Debauchery
As you can probably tell by now I am a fucking party animal. So... we are having a CEO's & Office Ho's party tonight, of course I am going to be a Office Ho. Stilettos and Spandex all night long baby. I promise to post details and pictures on Monday, I hope everyone has a fun-filled weekend such as I. Smooches
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I Have A Problem
"I got this model chick that don't cook or clean.
But she dress her ass off and her walk is mean.
Only thing wrong with ma she's always on the scene.
God damn she's fine but she parties all the time."
-Jay Z
So here are some photos from the infamous toga and 80's parties we had. Enjoy
But she dress her ass off and her walk is mean.
Only thing wrong with ma she's always on the scene.
God damn she's fine but she parties all the time."
-Jay Z
So here are some photos from the infamous toga and 80's parties we had. Enjoy
Yes, Yes, Ya'll
Someone Stole My Wig
The Man Rubbing My Leg, And McKenzie Got All Excited (Freak)
Me, McKenzie, Sadie & The Man
OMG Someone Just Pooted :)
Where The Fuck Is My Drank
McKenzie & Tawnee
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