Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Mom Thinks I Party Too Much :(
So... The Moms and I had this half-day convo Saturday. It started out with the usual how-de-do's and ended with her threatening to beat my ass with a beer bottle.
Mom- So hows my baby?
Me- Okay I guess, I have a hang-over from hell.
Mom- What? Why? Did you go out last night?
Me- Are you being sarcastic?
Mom- No.
Me- Well somehow I managed to get fucked up on all that pepsi I have in the fridge.
Mom- Now you're being sarcastic.
Me- Yes I am, I mean come on mommy, you know I went out, It was Friday, I had a rough day at work, I woke up looking sexy as usual, budweiser's stock is up, and who DOESN'T go out on Friday. Its against the law not to.
Mom- Who's fucking law is that? (*I began to notice the anger kicking in*)
Me- Mine, and any other person who has such a wonderful life as I.
Mom- I don't party all the fucking time, so are you saying that I don't have a wonderful life?
Me- NO MOM!!!
Mom- Well I do, as a matter of fact I have two, and If you don't get your shit together, I will gladly take the one that I gave you back.
Me- *dying laughing*
Mom- Keep laughing
Me- Whats so wrong with me having a good time? Hell I learned how to do this from you, so you should feel honored.
Mom- There's nothing wrong with it every now and then, but I do have a problem with you partying everyday?
Me- I don't party everyday.
Mom- Damn near
Me- Okay Mommy, to keep this convo from going on for another 10 hours, what exactly do you want from me.
Mom- Stop all that damn partying.
Me- Okay, Sure, Mom.
Mom- I'm not playing with your black ass, don't stop and I will be on the first bus up to that mothafucka to beat your ass with one of those beers you love so much!!!
Gotta Love Her! My Mom is so great!!!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sex Confessions
So... I've came to the conclusion that I am addicted to SEX!!! Sure, it may be said "what 21yr old isn't?", but I have to say that my situation is a little different. I mean I'm not selling my shit for ass or anything of the sort, but... I realize now that my addiction caused my divorce. Though I am not one bit sad that we are no longer together, I just feel really bad knowing that I led this man to believe that I am capable of settling for less. O.K. let me elaborate, sex with him was like watching paint dry, really fucking boring, and I just wasn't woman enough to explain this to him. So... I decided to stop having sex with him, caused arguments just to avoid it, until I just couldn't take the shit anymore and left. Before the questions start to pour in, yes I did try a lot shit to "spice" up this aspect of our relationship, nothing worked so I left. I know some may say that I'm a selfish bitch... I don't know who lied and said that I do, but...I don't give a fuck. Say it with me now "I Don't Give A Fuck." Okay, I'm suppose to be with a man forever and not ever have another orgasm, GTFO. I need someone with the same freaktivity that I have, and I think I've found him. The kind of man that makes you scream his name. I'm not very vocal when it comes to sex, but this man has me climbing the fucking walls. He has that stalker dick, I never meant to fall so quickly, my fucking divorce isn't even final, and already I am ready to take them vows all over again. Don't get me wrong, it's more than the sex with him that makes me want to leap again, he's just so perfect, and this is my SEX CONFESSION, so more about him later. Back to my truth, all I can say is that I know what I did was wrong, but he/it just wasn't for me. Some may say that to base love on whether or not you cum is senseless, I totally fucking disagree. How can you truly love all of that person if the person is not making you fully happy? It's downright impossible, so K.I.M. Maybe, one day the constant need for my pussy to feed will be tamed, until then... I'm sucking, fucking, sticking, moving, grinding, licking, screaming, and molesting Mr. Wright. Now if you"ll excuse me, I'm gonna go get me some daddy long stroke!!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Some Is True
So... a friend of mine sent me the link to this little quiz. I have to say most of it is true, but some isn't. Anyways, here are the results.
Your Existing Situation
- Works well in cooperation with others. Needs a personal life of mutual understanding and freedom from discord.
Your Stress Sources
- Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.
Your Restrained Characteristics
- Feels she is receiving less than her share, but that she will have to conform and make the best of her situation.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but is inclined to be emotionally withdrawn, which prevents her from becoming deeply involved.
Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense. Sensitive and sentimental, but conceals this from all except those very close to her.
Your Desired Objective
- Needs a change in her circumstances or in her relationships which will permit relief from stress. Seeking a solution which will open up new and better possibilities and allow hopes to be fulfilled.
Your Actual Problem
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.Monday, April 14, 2008
No Whopper!!!
This is how I feel when Mr. Wright cuts me off. *The Fuck You Mean I Ain't Getting Any, Mothafucka You Better Drop Them Drawers. I Ain't Playing, Wigga* I'm counting down the days until he HAS to cut me off, seven and a half mothafucking months, this shit blows. Where's my whopper bitch.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Life Of The Party
So...a few co-workers and I decided to have a little get together. Everything was fine and dandy until the Corona's and the Patron started flowing, OMG who knew that a bunch of old farts could party like a motha. We took shots like they were going out of style, danced, danced, danced, and danced some more, played guitar hero, talked about our love lives, confessed to secret crushes, and took thousands of photos. Good times I tell you, some of the shit is still a little vague, but I had a fucking blast. So here are a few photos, please excuse the fact that these were taken with my Blackberry Curve's sucky camera. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The World Is Not Enough
So...me and the man did some celebrating last night. Truly a fun filled night, I don't have time to do a real post, so here is a song that I freakin love. Smooches
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Well Here It Is

Wow umm this is my first post. I guess I should start out with a little about myself, I started this blog in hopes of kinda releasing some of the many frustrations I have. First, I am going through a divorce, don't feel bad for me, this is the truly the best thing I can do for myself right now. If I hadn't been a selfish, lying, cheating bitch than I wouldn't have met this wonderful man thats taking complete control of my everything. Hey, things happen for a reason. Second, I am in FUCKING cowboy country. You know I never thought that I would miss the "south" a day in my life, but being here away from all aspects of my culture has really bought a bitch to her knees. It sucks but, once again I wouldn't have met my wonderful boy toy. Third, I am a BITCH, no explanation needed, but since everyone reading this blog doesn't know me, allow me to elaborate. I have never, wont, cant, don't take too much shit off of any damn body, lets just say its the way I was raised. I have an attitude from hell, its a gift and a curse, thats also a part of my up bringing. Fourth, I am just a tad bit, well too conceited, for this I am damn proud of. Hell, the more motha*****'s hate the harder I grind. Believe it or not, I was never this conceited until I left my parents home and actually began living life. I was always the kid who kinda just went with the flow as far a looks are concerned, but once I ventured out on my own, I realized that, I AM FUCKING GORGEOUS, and the fact that my friends, and men(man) are too doesn't hurt. Last but certainly not least, I am not exactly what you call a career woman, but I do have a wonderful job in which I love, but as soon as I win the powerball I'm quitting, I'm too sexy to be working.
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