Wow umm this is my first post. I guess I should start out with a little about myself, I started this blog in hopes of kinda releasing some of the many frustrations I have. First, I am going through a divorce, don't feel bad for me, this is the truly the best thing I can do for myself right now. If I hadn't been a selfish, lying, cheating bitch than I wouldn't have met this wonderful man thats taking complete control of my everything. Hey, things happen for a reason. Second, I am in FUCKING cowboy country. You know I never thought that I would miss the "south" a day in my life, but being here away from all aspects of my culture has really bought a bitch to her knees. It sucks but, once again I wouldn't have met my wonderful boy toy. Third, I am a BITCH, no explanation needed, but since everyone reading this blog doesn't know me, allow me to elaborate. I have never, wont, cant, don't take too much shit off of any damn body, lets just say its the way I was raised. I have an attitude from hell, its a gift and a curse, thats also a part of my up bringing. Fourth, I am just a tad bit, well too conceited, for this I am damn proud of. Hell, the more motha*****'s hate the harder I grind. Believe it or not, I was never this conceited until I left my parents home and actually began living life. I was always the kid who kinda just went with the flow as far a looks are concerned, but once I ventured out on my own, I realized that, I AM FUCKING GORGEOUS, and the fact that my friends, and men(man) are too doesn't hurt. Last but certainly not least, I am not exactly what you call a career woman, but I do have a wonderful job in which I love, but as soon as I win the powerball I'm quitting, I'm too sexy to be working.
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