But I'm a force when were together. -Fabolous
Guten Morgen(Good Morning in German) fam...How the hell are you...Me, well I'm sleepless in Laramie...Why, more on this later...How was your weekend, mine, awesome until this morning...
Friday June 27, 2008: Started out as usual, but I was floating on cloud nine, for this would be the day in which we celebrate our love(Not that we don't any other day)... Went to work as usual, left early to change into the after-hour attire.... Make it home only to be greeted by the mans in a onesee *addressing the puzzled looks (a onesee is this two in one pajama set that is usually worn by toddlers)* and one of those Dave Crockett raccoon hats...I shit you not... "Baby please stop playing, let me inside, I've got to get ready"..."Nope"...By this time I realized what was going on..."Okay just give me my clothes and I will go over to Sierra's place to get ready"...He hands me this big ass box, nothing looked familiar, but no complaints from me..."I will pick you up in two hours"...Is what he said as I left the place...*mumbling* "looking like a gigantic toddler"..."What TF I thought I wouldn't see you until sometime next month"..."Hahaha, nah just three days, I need to borrow your restroom for a bit. I'm not allowed into my house for the present moment." "What!!!" "No, its nothing like what you're thinking, I guess F has something planned out and doesn't want me to see right now."..........After a few drinks and almost a couple hours later, I hear that knock on the door, let the excitement begin...
We drove to Cheyenne, touched down at Red Lobster... I gave him the are you serious look(Not that I'm too boojie for Red Lobster, but he knows that I hate that fucking place, the bitches gave me food poisoning and I refuse to eat there again)... He proceeded to get out of the car but paused and burst out into laughter..."Had you shook there for a minute huh babe"..."You really think that me almost dying is funny"..."Yep"..."Asshole" It was all in good fun...
Left Cheyenne, touched down at our place once again...I've got this what the fuck is going on look... "Baby I've got a confession, I really didn't have anything planned for this weekend. I thought that if we drove around for a bit than something would come to me."... "Why didn't you say that shit in the first place, I could have been out doing something other than riding around in a mothafucking car all damn night."..."I'm sorry"... By this time I'm storming to the front door... "Baby hold up, are you mad?"...In a very sarcastic tone..."No not at all honey, lets just get inside so I can lay down. I'm very tired"... Opens the door to what I'm my mind looked nothing like the place in which we called home...This humongous smile comes across my face... "Sorry babe, the chef needed a couple more hours to prepare, so the only genius idea that I could come up with at the time was to drive around."..."Is that so."
I bet you're thinking I had some ostrich feet or some shit like that to eat...Nope, a cheeseburger...I deal with that shit for a living, and sometimes a girl just wants some normalcy...Finished up our dinner, said our thank-yous and goodbyes to Mr. Douglas Benson(the chef)...Took the party to the bedroom... There was a single black sheet on the bed, and atop was red rose petals... The red on black contrast was beautiful... "Why don't we relax a bit"...By this time I've had a couple bottles of wine, so I was already relaxed... "Whatever you say babe"... I look over into the tub and the water was BLACK with the red rose petals... "Fuck you whyte boy, I ain't getting into that shyt, fucking water is blacker than me."..."*laughing* Don't worry its just bath salts"..."Yeah okay but if my azz comes out a half a shade darker than sexy chocolate, were gonna fight. I ain't bullshitting biggums"... Laughed and talked for what seemed like hours... I fell asleep in LOVES arms that night...
Saturday June 28, 2008: Woke up with a damn headache, cooked breakfast for, and ate with F. Went back to bed, stayed in bed until like 4 p.m., we finally got up off our asses... F gets this bright idea to go pet shopping, and that we did... It was love at first sight...She(we named her Boston, she's a pit-bull/terrier mix) was so beautiful...Got her home, and whats the first thing this BITCH does, shits on our mothafucking carpet...But I am a forgiving person...A couple hours rolls by, we decide to go to bed...Gots to go say our Amens the next day...Boston has a completely different idea in mind...Crying & Whining all night must be whats hot this summer...
Didn't go to church Sunday...Lets just say I didn't have the strength...Currently I'm nursing these bags under my eyes... Boston is passed out in the living room... Along with F... I just want to go to sleep...But I can't seeing how today is Monday, and you know what that means, WORK... I've already said my little keep me near the cross prayer, cause I can just feel myself slipping into that ruthless bitch mood... And we all know what that means, the employees will suffer... Well thats its world... I'LL HOLLA!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
What It Is Yo...A Whats Up...
What up fam, its ya gurl T-to-the-mothafuckin-Bone coming at ya live from bytch headquarters...HAHAHA, nah, I'm just sitting here at the computer finishing off a glass of Vodka & Cranberry that I was too tired to do before... Its Friday and y'all know what that means, time to do sumthin strange for a lil piece of change(of course if you're into that)... I'm not really gonna get into a whole lot of mischief this weekend(shocking I know) just gonna put on the lil black dress that highlights the ass, shake said ass & make some love... Thats right, nothing too dramatic this weekend... Just me and my baby celebrating the day in which we became official, I wish I could tell y'all exactly what we are gonna do, but alls I know is what I mentioned before...The Mans has everything planned out...I promise to let ya know what occurred sometime next week...Well thats it World, but before I leave I just want to give a special shout out to Jhazzai, Diva, & Jaila for all their well wishes... I'LL HOLLA!!!
Oh and for those who gotta get someone home tonight...Get yo freak on...Just don't hurt em :side eyein Jhazzai:
Oh and for those who gotta get someone home tonight...Get yo freak on...Just don't hurt em :side eyein Jhazzai:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Georgy Porgy...Puddin Pie...
Kissed the girls and made them cry...-Toto(sprinkled with a little bit of Cheryl Lynn)
Break out the champagne glassed(literally)...I'm BAAACCCKKK!!!!...My back, well its stress related...A bunch of bull if you ask me, but I guess thats why they are paid the big bucks...I've decided to try something a little different today...So bear with me please...Today I'm NOT going to discuss SEX...Everyone knows that I am a freak, blah blah blah...I'm taking a day off...I'm NOT discussing MONEY...I'm paid, end of story...I'm NOT discussing DRUGS(don't ever recall speaking on it)...I may joke about it, but not even Aspirin touches this tongue...I'm NOT discussing Rock-N-Roll...
Lets talk about LOVE, REAL LOVE, the kind of LOVE that is shared between two MORTAL souls entangled in the abyss of it...The kind of LOVE that ranks high...Personally my list is as follows: GOD, Family, F. Wright...Being third is not always a bad thing...The kind of LOVE that erases all your mistakes...Gives you a fresh start, a sense of newness...Though considered cynical, pessimistic, self-centered, heartless, agitated,...LOVE still LOVED...Though other ties were held...LOVE was/is patient...Though not perfect(close to it)...LOVE is...
The kind of LOVE that replaces the once well planned out future...The house by the age of 25(a condo at 21, *smiles*), a fast-paced career, no kids until 25, no debt...The revised list: F. Wright(all I need to get by babe)...The kind of LOVE that TRUST, FAITH, or SECURITY is no issue to...The kind of LOVE that gives a heart the motivation it needs to beat...The feeling of loneliness, even though LOVE is only in the other room...The feeling of exhilaration in LOVES arms...The feeling of warmth when LOVE whispers a simple good morning in the ear...
The kind of LOVE that has the medulla oblongata in an uproar... The kind of LOVE that will in no doubt provoke strange occurrences... The kind of LOVE to stimulate outbursts of laughter at FEAR... The kind of LOVE to sacrifice all for... The kind of LOVE that I will gladly sell my entire Marvin Gaye collection for(Now that's some strong love, I think I made a mistake above. The list should go as follows: GOD, Family, Marvin Gaye, F. Wright :-), just kidding)...You still here?...Just threw Marvin in there to make sure...Lets get back to it... The kind of LOVE that makes you weak...Surely SWV didn't do it justice...The kind of LOVE that is ONLY YOU...
Well here it is baby...I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed typing it... Happy Anniversary, did I ever think that we would be here, fa sho daddy... The ups, the very few downs, the pain, the pleasure, the midnight donut runs, the losing on purpose in Monopoly, the respect of my OCD, the big ass bucket of Dubble Bubble, the sharing of your PJ's cause the thousands of sets that I have just aren't good enough, is just a few reasons WHY I LOVE you...Your smile, smell, touch, lips, tongue,(okay I'm gonna stop at tongue, I feel myself drifting slowly towards something sexual) is just a little logic as to WHAT it is that I LOVE about you...Everyday, Nonstop, is WHEN I LOVE you...I'm not going to say forever cause its just not long enough, but UNTIL, UNTIL, UNTIL is HOW I LOVE YOU... P.S., Fam I know you were reading this like WTF is she talking about, well today my baby and I are celebrating our anniversary(I am not gonna say how long, I need at least some secrecy) and I decided to type a little of my feelings on/about him... Don't worry regularly scheduled fuckery resumes tomorrow...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Break out the champagne glassed(literally)...I'm BAAACCCKKK!!!!...My back, well its stress related...A bunch of bull if you ask me, but I guess thats why they are paid the big bucks...I've decided to try something a little different today...So bear with me please...Today I'm NOT going to discuss SEX...Everyone knows that I am a freak, blah blah blah...I'm taking a day off...I'm NOT discussing MONEY...I'm paid, end of story...I'm NOT discussing DRUGS(don't ever recall speaking on it)...I may joke about it, but not even Aspirin touches this tongue...I'm NOT discussing Rock-N-Roll...
Lets talk about LOVE, REAL LOVE, the kind of LOVE that is shared between two MORTAL souls entangled in the abyss of it...The kind of LOVE that ranks high...Personally my list is as follows: GOD, Family, F. Wright...Being third is not always a bad thing...The kind of LOVE that erases all your mistakes...Gives you a fresh start, a sense of newness...Though considered cynical, pessimistic, self-centered, heartless, agitated,...LOVE still LOVED...Though other ties were held...LOVE was/is patient...Though not perfect(close to it)...LOVE is...
The kind of LOVE that replaces the once well planned out future...The house by the age of 25(a condo at 21, *smiles*), a fast-paced career, no kids until 25, no debt...The revised list: F. Wright(all I need to get by babe)...The kind of LOVE that TRUST, FAITH, or SECURITY is no issue to...The kind of LOVE that gives a heart the motivation it needs to beat...The feeling of loneliness, even though LOVE is only in the other room...The feeling of exhilaration in LOVES arms...The feeling of warmth when LOVE whispers a simple good morning in the ear...
The kind of LOVE that has the medulla oblongata in an uproar... The kind of LOVE that will in no doubt provoke strange occurrences... The kind of LOVE to stimulate outbursts of laughter at FEAR... The kind of LOVE to sacrifice all for... The kind of LOVE that I will gladly sell my entire Marvin Gaye collection for(Now that's some strong love, I think I made a mistake above. The list should go as follows: GOD, Family, Marvin Gaye, F. Wright :-), just kidding)...You still here?...Just threw Marvin in there to make sure...Lets get back to it... The kind of LOVE that makes you weak...Surely SWV didn't do it justice...The kind of LOVE that is ONLY YOU...
Well here it is baby...I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed typing it... Happy Anniversary, did I ever think that we would be here, fa sho daddy... The ups, the very few downs, the pain, the pleasure, the midnight donut runs, the losing on purpose in Monopoly, the respect of my OCD, the big ass bucket of Dubble Bubble, the sharing of your PJ's cause the thousands of sets that I have just aren't good enough, is just a few reasons WHY I LOVE you...Your smile, smell, touch, lips, tongue,(okay I'm gonna stop at tongue, I feel myself drifting slowly towards something sexual) is just a little logic as to WHAT it is that I LOVE about you...Everyday, Nonstop, is WHEN I LOVE you...I'm not going to say forever cause its just not long enough, but UNTIL, UNTIL, UNTIL is HOW I LOVE YOU... P.S., Fam I know you were reading this like WTF is she talking about, well today my baby and I are celebrating our anniversary(I am not gonna say how long, I need at least some secrecy) and I decided to type a little of my feelings on/about him... Don't worry regularly scheduled fuckery resumes tomorrow...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
This Is Some Bullshit
So Fam, how are ya? Oh me, I'm in excruciating pain...My back has been troubling me for like three days now, but it really didn't bother me until today when I bent down to pick something up at work and intensified whatever the hell the problem is...I thought someone shot my ass...Thats how serious it is...Don't worry, I'm going to the DOC first thing in the morning...Theres only so much alcohol and back rubs can do... I quickly sober up, the mans falls asleep, and I'm left with this horrible back pain...I don't know fam, maybe I pulled a muscle or something(which is what I'm hoping) or pinched a nerve...Time shall tell...Well goodnight world...I'm in too much pain to be the usual T tonight...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Trouble In Paradise...
So I know that you want to know how the fabulousness that is T's weekend went...Don't worry I won't make you wait any longer...Friday night was the Pleasure Party...The host(not SM, we just used her place) was kinda lame, so I grew bored with it quickly...Bounced the spot, took my black ass home and passed out...Saturday morning, we filled up the tanks and hit the road...Maybe like an hour & half later we made it to our destination, Denver... Had a quick breakfast...Let the shopping begin, matter of fact I was hit on(at least I think so, SM was like "She's just complimenting your jeans", yeah right...Of course I think that everyone is hitting on me, and the chick was looking quite nice, yep she could get it) in a boutique... We grew a little hungry from the shopping and by now it was around six, so it was time for dinner...Lets see, we dined at Restaurant Kevin Taylor...Nothing exciting happened, just a bunch of drunks sitting around talking about SEX, MONEY, and MEN, you know the usual...Finished up, put on our naughty girl smiles, along with the freak-um dresses and touched down at ENVYNUDE...OMG, I love this place, free drinks and so much more...Got relaxed and then the texting began...I sent the mans a text stating my status, a few minutes later I received one, so I'm like cool its just him...I was wrong...One of my exes(I say one because I was texting two of them last night) sends me this text asking me if I miss him...So I replied back with the "Nah, but I do miss those juicy pussy lips of yours", this little war went on for like 20 minutes...Moving right along shall we...Apparently, this motivated me to send a friendly "whats up to the second ex" which quickly turned into text sex...Which is shocking because I thought the man hated my ass, that or he was horny...I woke up this morning, checked the Curve to see if there was any missed calls/text and immediately the words OMG came out of my mouth...The Mans walks in, he was already up getting ready, and I told him what happened...And pissed he became, but not really pissed at the word texts(cause he knows that I'm not going anywhere), more so the picture...Yes, I sent a pic of the lady miss to the second ex and vice versa...In my defense I stated "Its not like he hasn't seen it before", bad idea...So now I'm in the dog house...Its actually not that bad in here, I've gotten some hugs and kisses, even a foot massage...But I can tell by his eyes that he's still a little salty about the situation...So imma just do what I do best, wrap my lips around that 8 inch dick of his and make it disappear...Magic I tell you...Well thats it world...I'LL HOLLA
Friday, June 20, 2008
Jon B. ft. Tupac - Are You Still Down
Yes, Yes, Yes...Two of my first loves in the same video...I would cause flames on Jon's dick from riding that azz... And Pac, I miss you...
Well world ya gurl is going to be very naughty this weekend...Not that I'm not at any given moment...Things will be different this weekend...I'm calling it naughty girl weekend, and no I'm not doing the man all weekend, though he will feel the side effects of my adventures...So tonight a VERY good friend of mine, I'm not gonna say who, but I will say that she Loves golf, is having a pleasure party...Don't give me that look, ya'll know what a pleasure party is...Let the fun begin, its about time, I need a new pair of handcuffs... Tomorrow will be filled with my second past-time(the first being...well you already know) SHOPPING...I'm getting moist at the thought...Have dinner of course, at this exclusive spot...I'm feeling a little boojie...Buy a couple bottles of ACE, and hit up our favorite strip joint...Anyplace that has Hunky men, with dicks to match is my second home...And of course Church on Sunday...Have a Fantabulous Weekend Fam...I Know I Will...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ooh Wee...
So I almost told Mr. Right Fuck You today...I saw the most chocolaty, buns of steel, sexy Derek Luke lips having man today at the gym...Talk about FIONE!!!...Yep, I was goin call that azz up and say "Looky here man that I want to have babies for, youse got that loving that gets some act right, but umm this man right here son...I loves yo ass and all, but this isn't gonna work out." I Loves Chocolaty Men...So much so that I'm often pleasuring myself to thoughts of Tyrese letting me call him daddy...Crazy right, considering the fact that the mans is far from chocolate...But for him an exception was made(I saw that dack of his and said JACKPOT)...I won't lie, I've fucked outside of race, but when it came to actually hanging up the hooker badge for a while...Straight up black...Why? I don't know, but all that has changed...
Did I ever tell ya'll how/where I met the mans, no...Well lets get to it damnit... I bet you're thinking I meet him at work, or a bar, church even, Nope... I was car shopping, looking for something sexy, like the new Jag, but ended up with a gas station rapist...I know absolutely nothing about cars, so I went up to this guy which I thought was a Salesman(mofo was dressed like one) to ask about the truck in question...He smiled and began telling me all the technical details...I wasn't really listening, too busy staring this mofo down looking like he wanted me to rape that azz right then and there...I'll do it, don't try me...Seriously though, aside from Jon. B, he was one of the sexiest WB's I've ever seen...Blah Blah Blah, more of the technical nonsense...Enough was enough... I just told him to tell me the damn price so I could get the fuck out of there...In those exact same words...Just change the there to here...He laughed and confessed that he wasn't actually a salesman...But to make up for the fact that he just wasted my time, offered to take me lunch... We had lunch, to bad I wasn't able to sit on the platter so he can dine on me, but good things come to those who wait...
Thats how I met my big ol teddy bear...And thats another thing about me, I LOVES BIG MEN...I'm not talking big as in having a beer belly that resembles pregnancy... I mean BIG, throw me against the wall, on the bed, on top of the refrigerator and take that shyt, man boobie having mofos...Skinny men just don't do it for me, I just don't get that thigh workout(sexin missionary style) that I'm so used to with a skinny man...How do you think I'm so flexible, YOGA? Well thats it for the night world...I just ordered some Hunan Pork, so I think its best if I go pick that shyt up...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Did I ever tell ya'll how/where I met the mans, no...Well lets get to it damnit... I bet you're thinking I meet him at work, or a bar, church even, Nope... I was car shopping, looking for something sexy, like the new Jag, but ended up with a gas station rapist...I know absolutely nothing about cars, so I went up to this guy which I thought was a Salesman(mofo was dressed like one) to ask about the truck in question...He smiled and began telling me all the technical details...I wasn't really listening, too busy staring this mofo down looking like he wanted me to rape that azz right then and there...I'll do it, don't try me...Seriously though, aside from Jon. B, he was one of the sexiest WB's I've ever seen...Blah Blah Blah, more of the technical nonsense...Enough was enough... I just told him to tell me the damn price so I could get the fuck out of there...In those exact same words...Just change the there to here...He laughed and confessed that he wasn't actually a salesman...But to make up for the fact that he just wasted my time, offered to take me lunch... We had lunch, to bad I wasn't able to sit on the platter so he can dine on me, but good things come to those who wait...
Thats how I met my big ol teddy bear...And thats another thing about me, I LOVES BIG MEN...I'm not talking big as in having a beer belly that resembles pregnancy... I mean BIG, throw me against the wall, on the bed, on top of the refrigerator and take that shyt, man boobie having mofos...Skinny men just don't do it for me, I just don't get that thigh workout(sexin missionary style) that I'm so used to with a skinny man...How do you think I'm so flexible, YOGA? Well thats it for the night world...I just ordered some Hunan Pork, so I think its best if I go pick that shyt up...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Cotton Candy Sweet As Gold...
Let me see that tootsie roll...that tootsie roll...that tootsie...LMMAO, OMG my sister sent me a text this morning of this fat guy dancing to that damn song...Can you imagine waking up to that, hilarious...
Listen up fam, you know I've got to do at least one Serious post a week, so here it is... This is called "Insatiable" by my fave Poet...Only those who actually ready my shit will know who SHE is... Oh and its dedicated to me...*blushes* Keep in mind that I have no idea how to type this out...So I'm going to do what I normally do...
Candid Kisses to the small of my back...We Lie...Wonder if this affair is really on track...Both seemingly happy at home...But the pleasures needed and desired makes US cum so wrong...You're everything I want...Not need...HE, is the source of my Love and Stability...Wanna be sure you feel the same about HER...The harder the thrusts, the more you profess your love...For I, but baby I've got a guy...I've got a problem...I've made amends with that...What's your excuse..."SHE don't make you feel intact"...Knowing that HE will watch THIS in disgust...The thoughts become nastier and...The More...Time Flies...I rewind life to the innocence...Ponder...What has become of this God Fearing southern girl...who...lost her purity out of force...Ask myself...The lies, the betrayal, the greed...The undying obsession to have HIM in-b-tween...Sho it ain't right...Could never bring myself to cancel the flight...
Now I don't know if I should feel honored or call that broad and cuss her azz out...Calling me out and shyt... I was freak-freak back in the day, now its McFreaky Freak, get that shyt right...Oh and I've got some poetry shit too, listen up
"Tell Me How Long Is It Boo...Seven Inches, Yep That'll Do!" Missy cracks my azz up...Well thats it world...Imma leave ya with a little "Gin & Juice"...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Listen up fam, you know I've got to do at least one Serious post a week, so here it is... This is called "Insatiable" by my fave Poet...Only those who actually ready my shit will know who SHE is... Oh and its dedicated to me...*blushes* Keep in mind that I have no idea how to type this out...So I'm going to do what I normally do...
Candid Kisses to the small of my back...We Lie...Wonder if this affair is really on track...Both seemingly happy at home...But the pleasures needed and desired makes US cum so wrong...You're everything I want...Not need...HE, is the source of my Love and Stability...Wanna be sure you feel the same about HER...The harder the thrusts, the more you profess your love...For I, but baby I've got a guy...I've got a problem...I've made amends with that...What's your excuse..."SHE don't make you feel intact"...Knowing that HE will watch THIS in disgust...The thoughts become nastier and...The More...Time Flies...I rewind life to the innocence...Ponder...What has become of this God Fearing southern girl...who...lost her purity out of force...Ask myself...The lies, the betrayal, the greed...The undying obsession to have HIM in-b-tween...Sho it ain't right...Could never bring myself to cancel the flight...
Now I don't know if I should feel honored or call that broad and cuss her azz out...Calling me out and shyt... I was freak-freak back in the day, now its McFreaky Freak, get that shyt right...Oh and I've got some poetry shit too, listen up
"Tell Me How Long Is It Boo...Seven Inches, Yep That'll Do!" Missy cracks my azz up...Well thats it world...Imma leave ya with a little "Gin & Juice"...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I'm Stylin On You Bitches...
Even in PJ's and Pink Slippers...So I was looking for a new photo for my header, and the hundreds of photos that I was looking through just wasn't cutting it...I mean the pics that I was viewing is of the T that everyone is used to seeing on a daily basis...Now what about if I post some pics that only a select few see from time to time...Get ready, cause here I come...
Hahahaha...I am a true Alcoholic!!!
This was when I first got this remote, so I was trying to figure out how to work it...
Still Trying...
I just gave up on the sonofabitch...Ya'll peepin the pink slippers, them hoes are Fiyah!
Before I had the decency to cover up that jungle I call hair...
But I think Imma have to go with this one, the name of my blog IS, IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT... I think it'll fit the decor...Would you look them legs...Now whats cooler than me sittin on the floor in front of my bar eating cereal...Nothing I tell you...
Sorry Fam...Changed The Pic...My Mommy Didn't Like The First One :(
Sorry Fam...Changed The Pic...My Mommy Didn't Like The First One :(
What Chu Like
So I was at work watching videos on YouTube and made the mistake of clicking on this video to watch, cause I would sell my ovaries to get a whiff of Tyrese's dick...
"And I Must Say Deary, The Panties Were Drenched"...Told the employees there was an emergency(I don't know if throbbing in the area that holds my sweet black nectar is a emergency to them, but hell it is to me.)and that I had to leave...Called the Mans, on my way home and explained my situation in vivid details...Told me to give him about an hour, and he'd be home...Current Time, lets see 11:30 on tha mothafucking dot...I've become extremely impatient, I got about 15 more mins to wait...So fam while you're reading this and watching the video, just know that I am in a better place...A place filled with joy and undeniable pleasure...A place where I can be free from the treachery that is horniness and so on and so on...
"And I Must Say Deary, The Panties Were Drenched"...Told the employees there was an emergency(I don't know if throbbing in the area that holds my sweet black nectar is a emergency to them, but hell it is to me.)and that I had to leave...Called the Mans, on my way home and explained my situation in vivid details...Told me to give him about an hour, and he'd be home...Current Time, lets see 11:30 on tha mothafucking dot...I've become extremely impatient, I got about 15 more mins to wait...So fam while you're reading this and watching the video, just know that I am in a better place...A place filled with joy and undeniable pleasure...A place where I can be free from the treachery that is horniness and so on and so on...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Seconds Of Pleasure...
Life's Little Treasures. -Van Hunt
Okay peoples, here's a little bit more about the Author of this multifaceted Blog...I have 4 sisters...No brothers...Just four very successful sisters...Lets start from the top...
E.H.,29...Profession: Wife, Mother of Two, and Lawyer by day...By night: same as with the day
M.H.,26...Profession: LPN by day...My favorite Poet by night
Moi.,21...Profession: The Boss Bitch by day...Famous Dick Rider by night... A la McFreaky Freak
C.H.,18...Profession: Ganja Smoker by day(this chick smokes more weed in a day than I have in my entire life)...By night: same as with the day(but she has a job doing something, at least I think so, all of her bills are paid on time, so thats got to count for something.)
Q.H.,11...Profession: Con-Artist, Heart Warmer, Smile Provoker, by day...By night: same as with the day...
Now I bet you're wondering what TF all of this info has to do with Seconds Of Pleasure right...It's fairly simple...Everytime I think about at least one of these broads, I'm reminded of our past, and each of our decisions that molded our present...But this is really not what I wanted to blog about today...Part of it...But not the basis...Let's discuss whats really going on shall we...
So, my baby sis called me at 6:38 this morning and this is how I remember the conversation going...
Moi- Yes Mother(Thinking it was her ass when I looked at the phone)
L.S.- Hi Sissy, are you asleep
Moi- Hey baby, I was, but now I'm talking to you. What's up with ya
L.S.- Nothing much, I was just sitting here wondering how much better my life would be if I had a bigger TV, preferably a Plasma, that way I can hang it on the wall, and watching the discovery channel in High-Def will be a plus also.
Moi- *LMAO* So you want a bigger TV babe, preferably a Plasma.
L.S.- Thats right
Moi- So did you ask the parents permission(She had me sold at watching the discovery channel in High-Def)
L.S.- Mommy told me to ask my big sissy's to buy one for me, and since you're my favorite, I just thought to ask you. Now if you say no, I've got 3 others to plead my cause to, so don't make me waste my time.
Moi-(By this time I am doubling over in laughter) Yes baby, I will buy you a new TV...What size Hon?
L.S.- 36 inches will be enough
Moi- You got it, now I'm gonna go get some tissue, I'm over here crying laughing at your little ass. Tell the parents I said whats up, and after work today, me and F are gonna go shopping for that new TV okay. Love ya, talk to you soon.
See, I told ya'll she was a con-artist...And knows that she has all of her big sisters wrapped around her little fingers...I remember like yesterday when Mom came from the hospital getting treated for what we thought was a stomach virus, but no...Her exact words were "I'm two weeks pregnant"...Now we are all sitting there with this dumbfounded look on our faces, except C.H. she was only six at the time...Nobody wanted to say what we were all thinking, "how is this possible, didn't you get your tubes tied after C.H."...But finally out of the awkward silence, "Sucks to be you" E.H. stated...Everyone just burst out into laughter, and began showing Mom the genuine love and affection that she so was used to. Now eleven years later that baby whom we all used to teach bad language to is now a SPOILED ROTTEN BRAT...A very intelligent one at that...She could sell ice to a snowman if she wanted to...Just thought I would share my most recent Seconds Of Pleasure with ya'll...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Okay peoples, here's a little bit more about the Author of this multifaceted Blog...I have 4 sisters...No brothers...Just four very successful sisters...Lets start from the top...
E.H.,29...Profession: Wife, Mother of Two, and Lawyer by day...By night: same as with the day
M.H.,26...Profession: LPN by day...My favorite Poet by night
Moi.,21...Profession: The Boss Bitch by day...Famous Dick Rider by night... A la McFreaky Freak
C.H.,18...Profession: Ganja Smoker by day(this chick smokes more weed in a day than I have in my entire life)...By night: same as with the day(but she has a job doing something, at least I think so, all of her bills are paid on time, so thats got to count for something.)
Q.H.,11...Profession: Con-Artist, Heart Warmer, Smile Provoker, by day...By night: same as with the day...
Now I bet you're wondering what TF all of this info has to do with Seconds Of Pleasure right...It's fairly simple...Everytime I think about at least one of these broads, I'm reminded of our past, and each of our decisions that molded our present...But this is really not what I wanted to blog about today...Part of it...But not the basis...Let's discuss whats really going on shall we...
So, my baby sis called me at 6:38 this morning and this is how I remember the conversation going...
Moi- Yes Mother(Thinking it was her ass when I looked at the phone)
L.S.- Hi Sissy, are you asleep
Moi- Hey baby, I was, but now I'm talking to you. What's up with ya
L.S.- Nothing much, I was just sitting here wondering how much better my life would be if I had a bigger TV, preferably a Plasma, that way I can hang it on the wall, and watching the discovery channel in High-Def will be a plus also.
Moi- *LMAO* So you want a bigger TV babe, preferably a Plasma.
L.S.- Thats right
Moi- So did you ask the parents permission(She had me sold at watching the discovery channel in High-Def)
L.S.- Mommy told me to ask my big sissy's to buy one for me, and since you're my favorite, I just thought to ask you. Now if you say no, I've got 3 others to plead my cause to, so don't make me waste my time.
Moi-(By this time I am doubling over in laughter) Yes baby, I will buy you a new TV...What size Hon?
L.S.- 36 inches will be enough
Moi- You got it, now I'm gonna go get some tissue, I'm over here crying laughing at your little ass. Tell the parents I said whats up, and after work today, me and F are gonna go shopping for that new TV okay. Love ya, talk to you soon.
See, I told ya'll she was a con-artist...And knows that she has all of her big sisters wrapped around her little fingers...I remember like yesterday when Mom came from the hospital getting treated for what we thought was a stomach virus, but no...Her exact words were "I'm two weeks pregnant"...Now we are all sitting there with this dumbfounded look on our faces, except C.H. she was only six at the time...Nobody wanted to say what we were all thinking, "how is this possible, didn't you get your tubes tied after C.H."...But finally out of the awkward silence, "Sucks to be you" E.H. stated...Everyone just burst out into laughter, and began showing Mom the genuine love and affection that she so was used to. Now eleven years later that baby whom we all used to teach bad language to is now a SPOILED ROTTEN BRAT...A very intelligent one at that...She could sell ice to a snowman if she wanted to...Just thought I would share my most recent Seconds Of Pleasure with ya'll...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Black Magic Woman...
So today was my first day back to the JOB in like a week...I was like we busted our asses to meet budget this quarter, so I'm taking a few days off...More like 5, but thats not the point...I went in real early this morning, eight-ish...Them mofos were looking at me like they saw a damn ghost...I never, I repeat never go into work early unless A)At least 6 of them are getting their farewells, or B)13 of them are getting canned...So they pretty much were shaking in their boots...Walked in, and the ass-kissing began..."Oh you look very ravishing today T"...Yes, I was...To say that I was drunk the majority of the past 5 days, I was looking very exceptional today..This was the outfit that I chose to bless the world with today...From my favorite naughty girl store, Vicky's...Was wearing the shit out of it...My boobies are so much bigger than hers so just imagine the wicked amount of cleavage that I was showing...

The place looked outstanding... Everything was clean...I mean everything...From the windows, to my office...No receipts, invoices, candy wrappers, condoms, lying around...I was amazed, but so, so proud of my AGM's...Everythang was Everythang...For lunch I called Bitch Headquarters(which is basically me and the girls on this conference call), to see if there were any plans...Yes, as usual...We went to this spot called Dick's... Some of you may be familiar with it, but for those who aren't its basically this restaurant that lives up to its name DICKS...No not penis, people are actually complete assholes to you, and I loves every minute of that shit...Had lunch...Decided to go home and watch a few soaps...And low and behold, what's the first thing I see when I place my keys on the stand in the bedroom...A fucking Spider...I am terrified of anything that crawls, jumps, bites, slides, squirms, fly, sucks...Just terrified...Jump onto the bed trying to come up with a brilliant idea on how to kill this mothafucka, without me having a heart-attack in the process...See this is why we shouldn't have slept with that damn door open...I got it...Death by COACH, so dignified...Another one bites the dust... Well thats it world, nothing to spectacular about today, except my ass, and the divine sexiness that is my body... I'm gonna leave you with The Cereal Mascots In Therapy, Enjoy...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fire & Desire...
Is the song that I was awakened too, that and of course the Flashing Lights...Lets see what ya gurl T looked like after the after after party... Didn't stay long...Had to be fresh for the activities in the morning...
Wow...At least this time I'm not on the living room floor, passed out in the jacuzzi tub, on the balcony, deck or any other strange place that I always seem to love...
Well Goodnight World...I've got to go umm bake some cookies...So Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
P.S. To Mr. Kelly, Fuck You Dear Sir, With A Dick Laced With Straight Edged Razors In Tha Ass. Why Did Your Kiddie Pissin On Ass Have To Be On Such A Great Song...Fuck You!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Round Two Tonight
So I had every intention of getting plastered last night, but didn't know that it would only take three screwdrivers to knock me on my ass, but more on this later.
Pretty awesome day yesterday, I woke up with that certain glow that you can only get from a nice dick-down...Dirty, nasty, spine-realigning, limping the next day, but it was so worth it dick-down...Called the girl SM, got the plans for the day(Speaking of SM, this chicks birthday is tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna feel SOME guilt in church, knowing that as soon as Passta says "Let the church say amen" for the third and final time, all that will be left of us is a memory...headed straight to Denver for a day of total fuckery...
For the afternoon, we decided to play a couple rounds of Golf...This chick was on some ol Tiger Woods shit...Beat my ass like it was no tomorrow...That's cool though, cause I am the Racquetball Queen in the gym... Enough with Golfing, it was like 110 degrees on the green...We called it quits...Went home, took a shower, and met up with the rest of the gang at this spot...
Oasis, more like a HO-asis if you ask me, there were at least 50 minors in that bitch. Neither one of us wanted to do a nickel in the pen, so we bounced...Took the party to another spot called Mingles...Very Mature crowd, so we stayed... Got up to the bar, ordered myself and the girls a drank...I ordered a screwdriver, which was more screw then driver...I was feeling a little loose after the first...
The girls CG & MA were playing a game of pool...SM was over in the corner flirting with the bartender...I was smoking/texting the mans wondering why I'm feeling so tipsy after only two drinks...Mind you I'm a certified card-carrying alcoholic, and I'm like WTF, this mofo done stuck one of them date rape pills in my shit, gotta watch his ass...About an hour rolls by, I'm polishing off my third and final drank...I was to that point where EVERYBODY starts to look good, and extremely horny, no way I was gonna waste my lace undies on some stranger...So I called it quits on the drankin...Don't need to wake up in some random guys bed the next day with nothing on but skin and smelling like Stetson, no thanks...Called the mans to come pick us up, no one was in driving condition...Pulled SM off the bartender...CG & MA were now dancing on the pool table...So I yanked them up...Got to the house...watched videos for a bit...Told the ladies goodnight...WTF they did once I went to sleep, I have no clue...I was to busy trying to break in the new sheets...
Yep, that pretty much sums up the day...I didn't wake up with a hangover for once...And round two is jumping off tonight...I promise to share the details...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Side-Note: Tomorrow is Father's Day this we all know...Here's just a little about the man in which I call my Father... My sperm-donor left before I was born, so I know absolutely nothing about this jackass...But the Man who has raised me since the tender age of two is the light of my life, my hero, my ace-k-boom...Did he have to take me in as his own, no...But felt the need to anyway...Mom was/is the dictator, he's the let's go fishing to get away from this crazy woman type of man...Pretty cool guy...It hurts like hell now that his health is failing him...He recently had a stroke...But knowing him, this is nothing...He will be there to see all of his grandkids births, my baby sis graduate from high school, the many, many weddings that all FIVE of his little girls will have(ones enough for me) and etc...I keep telling myself this, and praying to God that this is so...My life without him is meaningless...So hang in there old man, alot of folks are depending on you...And with my all in all, I LOVE YOU!!!
Pretty awesome day yesterday, I woke up with that certain glow that you can only get from a nice dick-down...Dirty, nasty, spine-realigning, limping the next day, but it was so worth it dick-down...Called the girl SM, got the plans for the day(Speaking of SM, this chicks birthday is tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna feel SOME guilt in church, knowing that as soon as Passta says "Let the church say amen" for the third and final time, all that will be left of us is a memory...headed straight to Denver for a day of total fuckery...
For the afternoon, we decided to play a couple rounds of Golf...This chick was on some ol Tiger Woods shit...Beat my ass like it was no tomorrow...That's cool though, cause I am the Racquetball Queen in the gym... Enough with Golfing, it was like 110 degrees on the green...We called it quits...Went home, took a shower, and met up with the rest of the gang at this spot...
Oasis, more like a HO-asis if you ask me, there were at least 50 minors in that bitch. Neither one of us wanted to do a nickel in the pen, so we bounced...Took the party to another spot called Mingles...Very Mature crowd, so we stayed... Got up to the bar, ordered myself and the girls a drank...I ordered a screwdriver, which was more screw then driver...I was feeling a little loose after the first...
The girls CG & MA were playing a game of pool...SM was over in the corner flirting with the bartender...I was smoking/texting the mans wondering why I'm feeling so tipsy after only two drinks...Mind you I'm a certified card-carrying alcoholic, and I'm like WTF, this mofo done stuck one of them date rape pills in my shit, gotta watch his ass...About an hour rolls by, I'm polishing off my third and final drank...I was to that point where EVERYBODY starts to look good, and extremely horny, no way I was gonna waste my lace undies on some stranger...So I called it quits on the drankin...Don't need to wake up in some random guys bed the next day with nothing on but skin and smelling like Stetson, no thanks...Called the mans to come pick us up, no one was in driving condition...Pulled SM off the bartender...CG & MA were now dancing on the pool table...So I yanked them up...Got to the house...watched videos for a bit...Told the ladies goodnight...WTF they did once I went to sleep, I have no clue...I was to busy trying to break in the new sheets...
Yep, that pretty much sums up the day...I didn't wake up with a hangover for once...And round two is jumping off tonight...I promise to share the details...Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Side-Note: Tomorrow is Father's Day this we all know...Here's just a little about the man in which I call my Father... My sperm-donor left before I was born, so I know absolutely nothing about this jackass...But the Man who has raised me since the tender age of two is the light of my life, my hero, my ace-k-boom...Did he have to take me in as his own, no...But felt the need to anyway...Mom was/is the dictator, he's the let's go fishing to get away from this crazy woman type of man...Pretty cool guy...It hurts like hell now that his health is failing him...He recently had a stroke...But knowing him, this is nothing...He will be there to see all of his grandkids births, my baby sis graduate from high school, the many, many weddings that all FIVE of his little girls will have(ones enough for me) and etc...I keep telling myself this, and praying to God that this is so...My life without him is meaningless...So hang in there old man, alot of folks are depending on you...And with my all in all, I LOVE YOU!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Booty Shakin With My Glass In My Left One...Right Hand Sayin Step Son...
Thats right ya'll its Friday bitches, and Ladies Night in some parts. Time to dust the wood wheel off and let ya screens relax. Personally imma stop by the job, say whats up and head straight to the bar. Its been a rough week, and what better way to celebrate than consuming hundreds of dollars worth of likka, shaking yo ass with ya girls/boys, and passing out on yo deck. I can't think of anything better. My ass Will be glued to the front pew on Sunday asking for forgiveness for the things that are gonna go down this weekend... Oh Hells Mothafuckin Yes!!!! I'LL HOLLA BITCHES!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
You're My Number One, Number One, Number One...
I know today is National Gettin Some Head Day, but I decided to take a break for JUST a bit. Give the man a chance to recuperate, drink some water, and apply some lip balm. Poor baby, imma give him a neck massage tonight, he's over in the corner in the fetal position possibly praying that I'll get drunk and pass out so we don't have to continue the shenanigans...
You know what I realized today... My job consumes me... I mean this is the first time in a while that I've had two consecutive days off in a row...Of me actually not doing anything work related, I.E. calling every five minutes to check the status, make sure no one burned the place down, nobody beat the shit out of someone, conference calls... Yep the first time in a long time...
Bet you think that I was able to get alot of personal things that needed to be done out of the way...HELLS NO... Lets see what did I do yesterday...That's right, I was blogging/stalking yesterday, drankin, watching VH1 Soul...Fuck paying the cable bill...That shit could wait...
Today, well pretty much the same occurred, except Mr.Wright didn't go to work today cause I promised him that I would pleasure him all day today... More like him pleasuring me... Shit its been a while since we've done things that's only mentioned in some old freaks bridge game...And I didn't have a drop of likka(until dinner) today... I needed to be well hydrated for that ass, so there wouldn't be any excuses...
Took this long, steamy bath right after the AC guy left... You know last night wasn't that bad... I didn't think I was gonna survive with the AC being broke and all, but we opened the doors to the balcony...And I was good, scared somebody was goin rob our asses for sleeping with the balcony door open all night, but good...
Lit every candle that we own... Turned on some Sade', I like the bitch and all, but Mr. Wright has this weird fascination with her... I just can't get into the mood, when I'm listening to lyrics such as "In heavens name, why are you running away, hang on to your love"... Did I say I was going anywhere?... Or my all time favorite depressing hit from Madam Sade' "Sittin here waitin on you, will be like waiting for Winter"...Have you lost your mind, mofo I'm not waitin to cum, shit you can if you like but I REFUSE... Personally I prefer some Johnny Gill, Silk, Freddie Jackson...Yes I know they're all gay, but "My My My", "Rock Me Tonight", or "Lets Make Love" is the type of shit that I wanna hear... But for love sacrifices must be made...
Did some laundry... Now you make think that washing clothes is NOT ROMANTIC...*puts on naughty grin*... I begs to differ...
Took a nap... hell even Superman took a break... woke up... Ate a delicious meal of Shrimp Primavera, Had this lovely Apricot Bavarian for dessert, and guzzled it down with wine... What type/kind/flavor I don't know I was too busy dancing on top of the table cause Mystikal's "Shake Your Ass" came on... All I know is that it was in a black bottle with piercing red letters...
You know to say he's a whyte boy, my baby has so much class and SOUL... He's the only man that I've ever been with such warmth and consideration. Alot of folks are intimidated by him at first cause he's this 6'5 pushing 270 pounds, very muscular mofo, but deep down he's just a big ass lovebug...My LoveBug...My Number One, Number One, Number One...
You know what I realized today... My job consumes me... I mean this is the first time in a while that I've had two consecutive days off in a row...Of me actually not doing anything work related, I.E. calling every five minutes to check the status, make sure no one burned the place down, nobody beat the shit out of someone, conference calls... Yep the first time in a long time...
Bet you think that I was able to get alot of personal things that needed to be done out of the way...HELLS NO... Lets see what did I do yesterday...That's right, I was blogging/stalking yesterday, drankin, watching VH1 Soul...Fuck paying the cable bill...That shit could wait...
Today, well pretty much the same occurred, except Mr.Wright didn't go to work today cause I promised him that I would pleasure him all day today... More like him pleasuring me... Shit its been a while since we've done things that's only mentioned in some old freaks bridge game...And I didn't have a drop of likka(until dinner) today... I needed to be well hydrated for that ass, so there wouldn't be any excuses...
Took this long, steamy bath right after the AC guy left... You know last night wasn't that bad... I didn't think I was gonna survive with the AC being broke and all, but we opened the doors to the balcony...And I was good, scared somebody was goin rob our asses for sleeping with the balcony door open all night, but good...
Lit every candle that we own... Turned on some Sade', I like the bitch and all, but Mr. Wright has this weird fascination with her... I just can't get into the mood, when I'm listening to lyrics such as "In heavens name, why are you running away, hang on to your love"... Did I say I was going anywhere?... Or my all time favorite depressing hit from Madam Sade' "Sittin here waitin on you, will be like waiting for Winter"...Have you lost your mind, mofo I'm not waitin to cum, shit you can if you like but I REFUSE... Personally I prefer some Johnny Gill, Silk, Freddie Jackson...Yes I know they're all gay, but "My My My", "Rock Me Tonight", or "Lets Make Love" is the type of shit that I wanna hear... But for love sacrifices must be made...
Did some laundry... Now you make think that washing clothes is NOT ROMANTIC...*puts on naughty grin*... I begs to differ...
Took a nap... hell even Superman took a break... woke up... Ate a delicious meal of Shrimp Primavera, Had this lovely Apricot Bavarian for dessert, and guzzled it down with wine... What type/kind/flavor I don't know I was too busy dancing on top of the table cause Mystikal's "Shake Your Ass" came on... All I know is that it was in a black bottle with piercing red letters...
You know to say he's a whyte boy, my baby has so much class and SOUL... He's the only man that I've ever been with such warmth and consideration. Alot of folks are intimidated by him at first cause he's this 6'5 pushing 270 pounds, very muscular mofo, but deep down he's just a big ass lovebug...My LoveBug...My Number One, Number One, Number One...
Well I'll Be Damned...
Supposedly This Is The Type Of Capricorn That I Am... I Totally Fucking Agree...
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
I Hereby Declare Today National Gettin Some Head Day...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Say It Now...
Since my drankin buddy is passed out from numerous coontini's, my man is still at work along with my peeps, I have nothing else to do besides watch The Beyonce' Experience for the fifth time, drank myself into an oblivion and blog. Now before I get out whatever it is that I'm going to blog about today, I just want to tell Ms. Winehouse this.
F U Man, you have been replaced with a new singing sensation, and though it hurts me to say this, she's hotter. True, Back To Black was in heavy rotation for a hot minute, until your ass started singing racist hymns and shit. I was cool with all the drankin and drug use, but for this no forgiveness shall be given *SMH* Why Amy, that's okay cause DUFFY is now leading the Real Music Movement on my Zune.
Ahhh, this is crazy, for a woman who has an opinion on everything, I have nothing to talk about. So here's what I'm gonna do, stalk a few favorite sites for a while, and when I return I promise to have some interesting thought to speak on. Wait just a little while longer, for I shall return....
*Insert Long Pause*
And Viola I'm back... Did you miss me?... Well I found some very interesting things. Lets see, shall I talk about Fitty & His Baby Mama...
Nah cause everytime I see this man I just want to get NAKED. True the mofo looks like the Guerilla of his unit...But that BODY of his... I'm just gonna stay away. So maybe I will discuss the War...
Nah, I'll save my political views for another time... Now just maybe I will discuss Exes And The Need/Want To Continually Speak With Them.
Sounds good to me, but where do I begin, umm lets see. As many of you may know I was once married, crazy I know, the thought of my very flirtatious, ass/penis groping of random men, lying to get free dranks ass, being MARRIED is hilarious. Probably think that Jesus himself would've slapped me at the alter for the mockery, but the lady T-Bone is very much committed when a commitment is present.
Lets tackle this topic a little shall we... This will be brief, cause I've got to find something to eat before I pass out from dehydration. I guess an all liquid diet only works if you drink things other than alcohol, but I digress...
Yes, I was married, and did my ex husband communicate with his exes, yes. Did he lie about it, yes. Was I cool with him doing this, no, but this was only a minor glitch in our entire marriage. Thing is, I was a little salty about him speaking with the chicks, but the lying about is what made matters worst. Whats a marriage if there's no trust besides constant second guessing. Was this the reason that I decided to play past ways with him... It was definitely part of the reason...
Lets see, it was the lying on both parts, the cheating on both parts, the frustration of both parts, that quickly turned into the hating of each other... Hate is such a strong word, lets just say a STRONG DISLIKE... Did we try, damn right, but it just wasn't enough. My mind had already made up my heart's mind. So I left, it was just too much for me. Now do I still communicate with him, not really... Its more on the lines of "Hey Bitch, How Ya Doing", and keeps it moving. I just don't understand how so much anger could be present after its all said and done with a person in which you loved. Maybe its that you hate the fact that you once loved/still do this person and just don't know what to do with these emotions but ship them into the sea of anger... I don't know, this is just my thoughts on it...
Well I'm about to hit up Wendy's for one of them spicy chicken sammaches, So Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
P.S. I tried to do a remake of this Janet Jackson performance on the mans... and well...
We didn't really have the set-up like she did, so it was me climbing atop of his ass on the kitchen counter... well I'm not as flexible as I thought I was, slipped, fell on my knees, but played that shit off like I was trying to seduce him into hitting it from the back. But I do have that riding part down to a T. Good Times!
F U Man, you have been replaced with a new singing sensation, and though it hurts me to say this, she's hotter. True, Back To Black was in heavy rotation for a hot minute, until your ass started singing racist hymns and shit. I was cool with all the drankin and drug use, but for this no forgiveness shall be given *SMH* Why Amy, that's okay cause DUFFY is now leading the Real Music Movement on my Zune.
Ahhh, this is crazy, for a woman who has an opinion on everything, I have nothing to talk about. So here's what I'm gonna do, stalk a few favorite sites for a while, and when I return I promise to have some interesting thought to speak on. Wait just a little while longer, for I shall return....
*Insert Long Pause*
And Viola I'm back... Did you miss me?... Well I found some very interesting things. Lets see, shall I talk about Fitty & His Baby Mama...
Nah cause everytime I see this man I just want to get NAKED. True the mofo looks like the Guerilla of his unit...But that BODY of his... I'm just gonna stay away. So maybe I will discuss the War...
Nah, I'll save my political views for another time... Now just maybe I will discuss Exes And The Need/Want To Continually Speak With Them.
Sounds good to me, but where do I begin, umm lets see. As many of you may know I was once married, crazy I know, the thought of my very flirtatious, ass/penis groping of random men, lying to get free dranks ass, being MARRIED is hilarious. Probably think that Jesus himself would've slapped me at the alter for the mockery, but the lady T-Bone is very much committed when a commitment is present.
Lets tackle this topic a little shall we... This will be brief, cause I've got to find something to eat before I pass out from dehydration. I guess an all liquid diet only works if you drink things other than alcohol, but I digress...
Yes, I was married, and did my ex husband communicate with his exes, yes. Did he lie about it, yes. Was I cool with him doing this, no, but this was only a minor glitch in our entire marriage. Thing is, I was a little salty about him speaking with the chicks, but the lying about is what made matters worst. Whats a marriage if there's no trust besides constant second guessing. Was this the reason that I decided to play past ways with him... It was definitely part of the reason...
Lets see, it was the lying on both parts, the cheating on both parts, the frustration of both parts, that quickly turned into the hating of each other... Hate is such a strong word, lets just say a STRONG DISLIKE... Did we try, damn right, but it just wasn't enough. My mind had already made up my heart's mind. So I left, it was just too much for me. Now do I still communicate with him, not really... Its more on the lines of "Hey Bitch, How Ya Doing", and keeps it moving. I just don't understand how so much anger could be present after its all said and done with a person in which you loved. Maybe its that you hate the fact that you once loved/still do this person and just don't know what to do with these emotions but ship them into the sea of anger... I don't know, this is just my thoughts on it...
Well I'm about to hit up Wendy's for one of them spicy chicken sammaches, So Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
P.S. I tried to do a remake of this Janet Jackson performance on the mans... and well...
We didn't really have the set-up like she did, so it was me climbing atop of his ass on the kitchen counter... well I'm not as flexible as I thought I was, slipped, fell on my knees, but played that shit off like I was trying to seduce him into hitting it from the back. But I do have that riding part down to a T. Good Times!
Are You Serious,
For The Love Of Penis,
Sad But True
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
You Know What I Hate...
So I decided that I wanted to play this little game called "You know what I hate". The rules are real simple, all you have to do is say "you know what I hate" before each statement below. I wanted to go ahead and put this out there so mofos won't think that I'm illiterate and shyt cause I'm using fragments of sentences. But lets get this party started shall we...
When mothafuckas call or come by after the alloted times that I specifically have set aside for bullshittin around. Everyone knows that I am only available between the hours of 10pm and 1am mountain time, cause generally after that time I'm usually drunk, and even if you do get a hold of me, how the fuck you can understand a word I'm saying is a mystery to me, passed out from all the likka I've consumed in record time, fucking(I won't go into details), watching spongebob(and I will not be disturbed), at work or doing a combination of each. It may sound impossible, but I knows how to coordinate.
Waking up with a death-hangover. I have been doing pretty good lately, but THIS MORNING... I thought I was dying. I got so messed up last night, I woke up and couldn't see out of one eye, bytch was freakin out thinkin I was goin have to be like Ray Charles, mad cause he can't find Waldo.
The fact that I LOVES going to see the mans at work. I actually thought it was gonna be boring the first time that I went considering that he's an architect and all. A bunch of blue-prints, measuring tapes, and shyt lying around, but it was completely different. I actually had the chance to see, computer generated of course, some of his plans in action. Pretty damn amazing. I'm so proud of him.
Dirty, fat, stanky, mothafuckas. You know the mothafuckas that you see coming, and say to yourself, Thank God...Or maybe its just me. But anyways, that shit turns my stomach. So if you're either of the above, please do us all a favor and a)take a bath/shower, whatever it is that you would normally do to get the funk off, b)(Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem or quarrels with those who's weight is inclined, this is addressed to those who are and is doing nothing about the problem at hand)) Diet & Exercise, pretty simple huh, c)In addition to A, please add a little soap to this process, it just won't be the same without it.
My laptop right now. Apparently I broke my CD/DVR drive, how, I don't know, but I have to replace it. Life without me burning CD's or DVD's is just so normal, and I don't like it one bit.
Going into Neiman's and having the same old bitch eyeing me throughout my entire shopping experience. I can understand one time, cause let's just be honest, thats what they are trained to do "spot out the niggas, and follow their asses around", but everytime I go, thats just ridiculous. I mean I DO go in that bytch lookin real "ghetto" in some sweats, a t-shirt, and flip-flops, but thats only because I like to be comfortable while I'm shopping. Theres no way in hell I'm walking around a store in spaghetti thin 6 in. heels, no fucking way.
Wal-Mart, and with a vengeance. I hate going to this place cause normally what would take me only five minutes to get in another store, takes me six damn hours to get here. I get up to the register to buy the trashbags or some other random item and lo and behold, someones complaining about prices, or quantity, food, candy, baby shit... I fucking hate that damn place.
My bank, and their fucking limits. I mean seriously how the fuck can you tell me how much of MY MONEY I can spend in a day, true I have it set up that way cause I need to go to rehab for spending so much, but you have no right. I hate all you energetic, happy mothafuckas. Everytime I call "Hi Ms. T-Bone, What Can We Do For You Today"... Fuck You All, especially you Meagan since you're the one that I spoke to today.
Amazon.com. Thing is I'm a prime member and every so often, I think its like every two years, you have to renew your subscription to continue to get free 2-day shipping. Well I didn't know this until a couple of days ago, when I was reviewing my bank statement, and noticed this foreign charge of 80 bucks from them. So after about 10 mins of me cussing at the representative for this charge that I knew nothing about, which in all honesty is my own damn fault for not actually reading the fine lines, I just hung up the phone. I know its only 80 dollars, but that had me scared and shyt, thinking that Pablo or Consuela had stole my identity.
The Travel Channel. Mofos always tempting me, knowing good and damn well I can't take a vacay until August. It won't actually be a vacation, I'm just going to visit the fam down in Louisiana.
The fact that I am really missing my "Second" home, Houston, TX. Maybe I will extend the vacay and spend a few days there with some friends. I just got to get current on my Screw.
Thats it for tonight world, I could go on forever, but I have some more drankin to do. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
When mothafuckas call or come by after the alloted times that I specifically have set aside for bullshittin around. Everyone knows that I am only available between the hours of 10pm and 1am mountain time, cause generally after that time I'm usually drunk, and even if you do get a hold of me, how the fuck you can understand a word I'm saying is a mystery to me, passed out from all the likka I've consumed in record time, fucking(I won't go into details), watching spongebob(and I will not be disturbed), at work or doing a combination of each. It may sound impossible, but I knows how to coordinate.
Waking up with a death-hangover. I have been doing pretty good lately, but THIS MORNING... I thought I was dying. I got so messed up last night, I woke up and couldn't see out of one eye, bytch was freakin out thinkin I was goin have to be like Ray Charles, mad cause he can't find Waldo.
The fact that I LOVES going to see the mans at work. I actually thought it was gonna be boring the first time that I went considering that he's an architect and all. A bunch of blue-prints, measuring tapes, and shyt lying around, but it was completely different. I actually had the chance to see, computer generated of course, some of his plans in action. Pretty damn amazing. I'm so proud of him.
Dirty, fat, stanky, mothafuckas. You know the mothafuckas that you see coming, and say to yourself, Thank God...Or maybe its just me. But anyways, that shit turns my stomach. So if you're either of the above, please do us all a favor and a)take a bath/shower, whatever it is that you would normally do to get the funk off, b)(Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem or quarrels with those who's weight is inclined, this is addressed to those who are and is doing nothing about the problem at hand)) Diet & Exercise, pretty simple huh, c)In addition to A, please add a little soap to this process, it just won't be the same without it.
My laptop right now. Apparently I broke my CD/DVR drive, how, I don't know, but I have to replace it. Life without me burning CD's or DVD's is just so normal, and I don't like it one bit.
Going into Neiman's and having the same old bitch eyeing me throughout my entire shopping experience. I can understand one time, cause let's just be honest, thats what they are trained to do "spot out the niggas, and follow their asses around", but everytime I go, thats just ridiculous. I mean I DO go in that bytch lookin real "ghetto" in some sweats, a t-shirt, and flip-flops, but thats only because I like to be comfortable while I'm shopping. Theres no way in hell I'm walking around a store in spaghetti thin 6 in. heels, no fucking way.
Wal-Mart, and with a vengeance. I hate going to this place cause normally what would take me only five minutes to get in another store, takes me six damn hours to get here. I get up to the register to buy the trashbags or some other random item and lo and behold, someones complaining about prices, or quantity, food, candy, baby shit... I fucking hate that damn place.
My bank, and their fucking limits. I mean seriously how the fuck can you tell me how much of MY MONEY I can spend in a day, true I have it set up that way cause I need to go to rehab for spending so much, but you have no right. I hate all you energetic, happy mothafuckas. Everytime I call "Hi Ms. T-Bone, What Can We Do For You Today"... Fuck You All, especially you Meagan since you're the one that I spoke to today.
Amazon.com. Thing is I'm a prime member and every so often, I think its like every two years, you have to renew your subscription to continue to get free 2-day shipping. Well I didn't know this until a couple of days ago, when I was reviewing my bank statement, and noticed this foreign charge of 80 bucks from them. So after about 10 mins of me cussing at the representative for this charge that I knew nothing about, which in all honesty is my own damn fault for not actually reading the fine lines, I just hung up the phone. I know its only 80 dollars, but that had me scared and shyt, thinking that Pablo or Consuela had stole my identity.
The Travel Channel. Mofos always tempting me, knowing good and damn well I can't take a vacay until August. It won't actually be a vacation, I'm just going to visit the fam down in Louisiana.
The fact that I am really missing my "Second" home, Houston, TX. Maybe I will extend the vacay and spend a few days there with some friends. I just got to get current on my Screw.
Thats it for tonight world, I could go on forever, but I have some more drankin to do. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
What A Day...
OMG, I seriously had one of them days at work to make a bitch say FUCK THIS!!! So I walk into the spot humming the Dora The Explorer Theme(I was watching it before work), and the minute I hit the door, I gets pummeled by at least 10 complaints about this guy who won't shut the fuck up about the war. Now if there's one thing that I know, its not to EVER talk about politics and religion at work. I found this out the hard way. So after about 20 minutes of intense debating with this ass clown as to why Obama is the most worthy candidate, I fled the scene, not because I wanted to(I STANS for a good debate) but because I had to. I Had to make a few phone calls. 2 O'Clock rolls around, I start to get excited cause for once no one called in and everyone is on time. I let out a big sigh of relief, only to regret that shit minutes later. So we just hired a new cook and today was his first day of training, so far so good right, thing is, the current cook who was suppose to do the training all of a sudden took sick after I laughed at him and told him that the Lakers suck. Well they do shit, its not like I was lying to the sonofabitch. Anyways I bargained with him to stay cause if he didn't do the shit my black ass is the only other person certified for the job. And besides, I was looking, smelling, and feeling like a million fucking bucks so no way I was gonna be on a hot ass line cooking for eight hours. Yep I was only lying to myself. You know it seems like every time I actually wear my hair down to work I end up cooking, same as with whenever I wear white, I ends up slanging dishes. Well damnit, a bitch gets tired of neutral fucking colors and having my hair in buns. Back to story, the beginning of the shift with, we are gonna call him Semi, was all cool. I showed him basically everything that he needed to know to survive a shift of cooking with me, I asked if he understood all of this, yes was the answer I received so cool. About four or five hours into shift we start to get busy, so I'm like move your ass Semi, we have at least 10 orders that we need to get out like yesterday, this is another reason why I don't like training I don't have the patience. This mothafucka gets slower, and I kinda lose my cool. Aside from the fact that I have been speaking Spanglish for hours upon hours cause this mothafucka doesn't know a drop of English, I was really feigning for a shot of something and cigarette, he was only making matters worst. Oh but I survived, 10 O'Clock rolled around and I sent that mothafucka home, showing him the areas that needed to be cleaned would have only extended my 10 hour shift to 20 and I, just NO!!! I begin cleaning the shit myself so I can get the fuck out of there, and low and behold one of The Mans Exes showed up to talk once again. In case you didn't know this is one of the Bitches that I was talking about in the last post, and now was not a good time for her and I to talk. She's on this you're black and don't deserve such a fine(as in upstanding, not sexy, though that he is) white man bullshit. We've had arguments that turned into me slapping the Bitch down many, many times before, but apparently that wasn't enough. She's been basically slandering me lately, on some real bullshit, and I've been letting that shit in one ear and out the other cause anyone who knows me, knows that all of the shit isn't true, but enough is enough damnit, and trust me I let the bitch know that, but in a very professional manner considering the fact that I was still at work and my employees really look up to me. Ended that shit real quick, got everything that I needed to done, and made it home in Mach 5 speed. It was just one of them days, all I can do is shake my head and be glad that its over. Now if only I could sit on Lenny Kravitz face, that would make it so much better right now, but since he isn't here and I don't feel like explaining to my baby why there's pussy juice all over Lenny's face, I'll just sit on his. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I Don't Think Its Legal...
My ass did it anyways. Alls I remember from last night is my social, and I barely remember that shit. I also found out that Mr.Wright takes these secret pics of me when I'm drunk and passed what we like to call In The Land Of No Bullshit, "The Fuck Out." Apparently I cuddled with my rug for a while last night, and later ended up showing my naked ass to my silk sheets. But you don't have to take my word for it, here is some proof.

Yep! I was OUT!!! Spread Eagle Both Ways
On My Way To Bed!!!
Watch Back of a Smiley
For those of you who really thought that I was gonna post pics of my nice apple bottom, to you dear sir or ma'am, well I'll let the smiley explain.
Watch Back of a Smiley
For those of you who really thought that I was gonna post pics of my nice apple bottom, to you dear sir or ma'am, well I'll let the smiley explain.
Yep, it was one of those nights, at least this time I didn't have to explain to the man why I came home smelling like Stetson, and rocking the Commando. Yes I was a good girl last night, no touching, flirting, or quickie-ing random men. Wheres my cookie damnit!!!
Until Next Time World...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Real Women Drink...
Drink Moet' Mimosa's for breakfast... Have Margarita's for lunch... Cosmo's for dinner... And Gin & Tonic Night Caps.
Here's a pic of my whole bar.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Don't Want To Toot My Own Horn....
But Toot Mothafuckin Toot. I mean I am only a mere 21yrs old and am more successful than a lets say 25yr old. I am the BOSS, literally, been at the job for almost a year now and I can't complain. I finally decided as to what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, well besides my man, nursing is the path I'm taking. So UW here I come. My motivation, lets see, my childhood. I grew up in the fuckin slums of Baton Rouge, LA. I always told myself that if I ever get out of this place, I'm never coming back, physically yes, but emotionally, NEVER. My parents did the best that they could for us no doubt, but I always hungered for more. Now that I am finally able to taste freedom, I made a promise to myself to never fall off. True, when a bitch first came into such large quantities of money, there was a bunch of waste. I was trying to live up to our society's definition of living large, "Ballin" is what we call it. There was the constant shopping, the jewelry, the "making it rain" basically. I look back now like, bitch you was on some other shit. Today I'm a totally different woman, I've got my shit together if you will. Making investments, saving a lot of that money I used to blow, hell a bitch even put a nice down payment on a condo to share with the mans. I don't mean to brag, but I'm doing pretty well for a 21yr old wouldn't you agree? Until Next Time World... I'LL HOLLA...Oh and since I have a lot of them...
Hi Haters!!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dear Mr. Dom Perignon...
Will You Marry Me... Because of you I'm so fucked up right now and loving it. I tell ya babe no one has ever made me feel this way. Its just something about you that I can't resist, maybe its your golden hue with glints of silver and green and very delicate, numerous and vivacious bubbles that form an unbroken ring in the glass, or maybe, the aromas of puree of apples, poached pears, vanilla, hazelnuts, melba toast and yellow-plum jam as well as superb hints of quince and chalk, but just maybe its because you're very fruity with flavours of very ripe light-coloured fruit. Whatever it is love, its good. So let me know, we've got a wedding to plan. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! God my black ass is going to bed now before the mans wakes up from the hurting I put on that ass and accuse me of cheating on him with champagne. Until Next Time World, I'LL HOLLA!!!
God I'm A Sexy Drunk!!!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Fear Of Commitment....
Yes, I'm working on it. Normally by this time I would have found some kind of way to sabotage the relationship that I'm currently in because, well I don't have a good enough excuse. "I don't see myself being with you any longer," is what two of the exes heard, but all the while I was thinking "he's smothering me, I NEED MY SPACE." Fucked up, I know, but Men today just don't give me the want & need to want & need them, well besides my man of course, but more on him later. I mean most of the men that I have been with serious with, a total of three to be exact, were decent, hell one wowed me enough to marry him, but as I look back, neither one stood a chance. Men today are too soft, irresponsible, scared, immature, confused and etc. Lets elaborate on each of my convictions a little shall we.....
Too Soft- Kanye 'Nuff Said
Irresponsible- I was just on one of my favorite sites O Hell Nawl, so many comments on the "Behold A Lady" thread touched me but a single moms cry shook me to the core. I mean what ever happened to society(Men, This is a Man's World Isn't It) standing by women, praising her because she bears life, loving her, protecting her, respecting her, lifting her higher, the words bitch and hoe wouldn't have even been uttered to a notoriously known whore, Why you say, out of the respect and fact that she is a Woman. The "Children Having Children" rate would be diminished out of the fact that Fathers would actually play a part in their lives, therefore relinquishing the phenomena of "Single Moms." But whats in the past is only a mere reflection of the present. To actually have men "Step Up To The Plate" is a little too much to ask now is it, they would rather degrade women in musical lyrics and million dollar videos(true we allow this to occur, but as men, supposed leaders, a line should be drawn), impregnate us only to leave when the words are uttered, and etc... Don't get me wrong there may be a lot of men out there in which this has absolutely nothing to do with, but pretty much the majority of men nowadays fall into at least one of the categories. Moving on now shall we....
Scared- Now this is just my observation of Black Men, being that I'm black, and the only "outside of race" relationship that I've been in is my current one. I once asked a male friend of mine what is it about other race women that attracts you to them more than a black woman? The answer I received was shocking and in my opinion just insane, "See with a black woman, more work is involved, its harder to please her. Now with chicks of other races, they settle, happier with what you give them and you don't have to work so hard to get the ass." What!?!?! I've never... Don't get me wrong I have absolutely nothing against interracial dating but the thought of a black man not wanting anything to do with a black woman because she isn't "easy" in all aspects of a relationship makes me a little salty.
Immature- I think my notion above pretty much sums up this one too.
Confused And Etc- I'm filing the DL situation under this one. Men, Men, Men, please decide on as to what it is exactly that you want. Stop making us suffer from the lies, pain, and in some cases diseases because either you're to scared to admit to this or ashamed. Either way, please stop. So many of my sisters are dying because of your pride, and your ego's, when are you going to realize this? If you are man enough to get low, than be man enough to let us know something, please, for the sake of the continuation of "Beautiful Black People", and all others.
Now that I have given a little more insight as to why I usually bash all of my relationships, let me just say that this was never a problem to me, because I had my reasons. Now being in my current relationship, for once, I'm willing to work on this little flaw that I have. For once I am seeing that there is hope for the male species out there, and this is one relationship I won't be ending because of my fear of commitment. So for those who were wondering why I Bitch-slapped him this morning, well, cause I can damnit... Had to let him know who the boss is at all times, work, play, shit it don't matter. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!!
Too Soft- Kanye 'Nuff Said
Irresponsible- I was just on one of my favorite sites O Hell Nawl, so many comments on the "Behold A Lady" thread touched me but a single moms cry shook me to the core. I mean what ever happened to society(Men, This is a Man's World Isn't It) standing by women, praising her because she bears life, loving her, protecting her, respecting her, lifting her higher, the words bitch and hoe wouldn't have even been uttered to a notoriously known whore, Why you say, out of the respect and fact that she is a Woman. The "Children Having Children" rate would be diminished out of the fact that Fathers would actually play a part in their lives, therefore relinquishing the phenomena of "Single Moms." But whats in the past is only a mere reflection of the present. To actually have men "Step Up To The Plate" is a little too much to ask now is it, they would rather degrade women in musical lyrics and million dollar videos(true we allow this to occur, but as men, supposed leaders, a line should be drawn), impregnate us only to leave when the words are uttered, and etc... Don't get me wrong there may be a lot of men out there in which this has absolutely nothing to do with, but pretty much the majority of men nowadays fall into at least one of the categories. Moving on now shall we....
Scared- Now this is just my observation of Black Men, being that I'm black, and the only "outside of race" relationship that I've been in is my current one. I once asked a male friend of mine what is it about other race women that attracts you to them more than a black woman? The answer I received was shocking and in my opinion just insane, "See with a black woman, more work is involved, its harder to please her. Now with chicks of other races, they settle, happier with what you give them and you don't have to work so hard to get the ass." What!?!?! I've never... Don't get me wrong I have absolutely nothing against interracial dating but the thought of a black man not wanting anything to do with a black woman because she isn't "easy" in all aspects of a relationship makes me a little salty.
Immature- I think my notion above pretty much sums up this one too.
Confused And Etc- I'm filing the DL situation under this one. Men, Men, Men, please decide on as to what it is exactly that you want. Stop making us suffer from the lies, pain, and in some cases diseases because either you're to scared to admit to this or ashamed. Either way, please stop. So many of my sisters are dying because of your pride, and your ego's, when are you going to realize this? If you are man enough to get low, than be man enough to let us know something, please, for the sake of the continuation of "Beautiful Black People", and all others.
Now that I have given a little more insight as to why I usually bash all of my relationships, let me just say that this was never a problem to me, because I had my reasons. Now being in my current relationship, for once, I'm willing to work on this little flaw that I have. For once I am seeing that there is hope for the male species out there, and this is one relationship I won't be ending because of my fear of commitment. So for those who were wondering why I Bitch-slapped him this morning, well, cause I can damnit... Had to let him know who the boss is at all times, work, play, shit it don't matter. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!!
Are You Serious,
For The Love Of Penis,
My Truth,
Sad But True
A Real Post...
Later on today, I only got out of bed to Bitch-Slap the man before he left for work(long story), and to check the e-mail. So wait just a little bit longer world, until then, I'LL HOLLA!!!
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