Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What Chu Like

So I was at work watching videos on YouTube and made the mistake of clicking on this video to watch, cause I would sell my ovaries to get a whiff of Tyrese's dick...

"And I Must Say Deary, The Panties Were Drenched"...Told the employees there was an emergency(I don't know if throbbing in the area that holds my sweet black nectar is a emergency to them, but hell it is to me.)and that I had to leave...Called the Mans, on my way home and explained my situation in vivid details...Told me to give him about an hour, and he'd be home...Current Time, lets see 11:30 on tha mothafucking dot...I've become extremely impatient, I got about 15 more mins to wait...So fam while you're reading this and watching the video, just know that I am in a better place...A place filled with joy and undeniable pleasure...A place where I can be free from the treachery that is horniness and so on and so on...


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm quittin' my job and just live like a fuggin sexolicious bumb on da beach on a island..., I'm just sayin' LOL!

MisStory said...

Gurl I straight up bounced from that bytch as soon as Tyrese said what do you like... I wish I could make money being a freak 24-7, but America is on some ol booylshyt...What they consider ho-ing I call that shyt a day in the life of T...If only, if only...And thank you J, because of yo azz I watched that shyt again, and got the same reaction as before.