Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pure Hilarity

So the misses has these fucking awesome employees. So awesome that I was in fact able to talk 90% of them into making a secret myspace page for her. Seriously, its 2008, who doesn't have a myspace page. Her country black ass. In-Te-Hoo, so they set up this page with some of the most shameful pics, her status is a swinger, slob on the knob is her theme song, not sure is her orientation. I'm telling y'all this is some of the funniest shit that I've ever seen. Apparently they love the boss very much. Well without any further adieu, the link (since the hyperlink isn't working www.myspace.com/ttrashawn). And whats makes this even funnier is that theres pretty much of nothing that she can do about it, seeing how they set it up with some random e-mail, everyone knows the login info except her, so she just has to chuck it up. LMAO

1 comment:

MisStory said...

OMG...I fucking hate you...Ya'll bettah pray to Jeezus that I don't figure that shyt out cause if do thats your asses...And what the hell possessed ya'll to do this, straight boredom...I'm sooooo ashamed...In my defense, I was too wasted to remember any of this shyt...But I'm soooo happy to have such fun, loving, charismatic, employees...I loves each and every one of them, and only they could get away with such embarrassment of my person...I'm going to bed, got a American History exam at 0 dark thirty in da morning...There are no words...