Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Short & Sweet
"I don't ever want to stop loving you boy"
"So don't you ever stop bringing me joy"
I'm a little too tipsy off the Tequila Rose to do the usual right now, so be looking out for it tomorrow fam...So excuse me...*Goes back to singing*
Update: So mofos think that because you have a lot of shyt you won't notice when something is missing...So, I lost of my favorite watches...I'm using lost lightly...Anyhoo, I've searched high and low for it and still no progress...The watch is very special to me...It was a gift from my BFF Sierra...It's black and outlined with black diamonds...and blah, blah, blah...I admit I was pretty wasted the last time that I had it on, but also remember taking that shyt off and placing it on the coffee table in the living room...And now its gone...I'm so depressed right now...Alls I can say is that I hope that I find it, or whoever does will be a lucky mofo...Unless they're ignant and think that Bvlgari is the same as Boss and the black diamonds are Swarovski crystals...The shame...Wish me luck...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Feel The Need...
Yeah thats right fam, its that time of the month once again...What time you ask, bitchy, bitchy, bitchy, ranting time...I haven't done of these in a while and am beginning to feel the need...Anyways lets kick this off with my current situation...
I haven't experienced an orgasm in a damn week...Shocking I know, tell me about it...My BF has really been on some other shit lately...I think he's switched over to the other side...Just kidding...But seriously, basically he's been getting me all hot and bothered and passing the fuck out...Snoring and shit...His schedule is really hectic right now, and this I understand...But why the torture...I'm beginning to think he's doing it on purpose...I mean, I've gotten some lick em up at work, but thats it...No rub it down and smack it, NOTHING!!! Which explains why I've been so bitter lately...
School is starting...Notice the excitement...I have orientation at 8 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon...I am not looking forward to this at all...I would rather watch Flavor Flav do that nasty crab-infested broad he used to bang...
My mother of 21 years decides that fighting over small talk and going to jail is whats hot this summer...Yes, y'all the moms straight up went to jail a few nights ago for fighting...I'm like come on mom, you're 38, why are you fighting...Don't you have a book club meeting or something to go to...To be honest, I'm not shocked at all...She doesn't take shit off of anyone, I'm really just amazed she was able to bail out so soon...The fight occurred just after midnight, and she was out before the sun came up...Pure hilarity I tell you...All I can do is shake my head, and say that the chick must have deserved it...
Work...I swear fo gawd if I hear one more rancher, farmer, goat herder, or whatever the fuck these cowboys do up here complain about our prices...I'm going to slap my puppy...Just kidding, I loves my baby...But back to the rant...I'm gonna do some CSI shit on one of them mothafuckas...Nobody told you to bring yo country azz up in here, so either you sit the fuck down and eat or play past ways...Its that simple...Lame ass, skunk piss smelling mofos...
Thats it fam...I'm gonna go get teased once again...I just keep telling myself that this time will be different...Hopefully, cause I don't think I can go another day without feeling a dack, fanga, toe, something, inside the orifices of my chocolaty goodness...I'LL HOLLA!!!
I haven't experienced an orgasm in a damn week...Shocking I know, tell me about it...My BF has really been on some other shit lately...I think he's switched over to the other side...Just kidding...But seriously, basically he's been getting me all hot and bothered and passing the fuck out...Snoring and shit...His schedule is really hectic right now, and this I understand...But why the torture...I'm beginning to think he's doing it on purpose...I mean, I've gotten some lick em up at work, but thats it...No rub it down and smack it, NOTHING!!! Which explains why I've been so bitter lately...
School is starting...Notice the excitement...I have orientation at 8 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon...I am not looking forward to this at all...I would rather watch Flavor Flav do that nasty crab-infested broad he used to bang...
My mother of 21 years decides that fighting over small talk and going to jail is whats hot this summer...Yes, y'all the moms straight up went to jail a few nights ago for fighting...I'm like come on mom, you're 38, why are you fighting...Don't you have a book club meeting or something to go to...To be honest, I'm not shocked at all...She doesn't take shit off of anyone, I'm really just amazed she was able to bail out so soon...The fight occurred just after midnight, and she was out before the sun came up...Pure hilarity I tell you...All I can do is shake my head, and say that the chick must have deserved it...
Work...I swear fo gawd if I hear one more rancher, farmer, goat herder, or whatever the fuck these cowboys do up here complain about our prices...I'm going to slap my puppy...Just kidding, I loves my baby...But back to the rant...I'm gonna do some CSI shit on one of them mothafuckas...Nobody told you to bring yo country azz up in here, so either you sit the fuck down and eat or play past ways...Its that simple...Lame ass, skunk piss smelling mofos...
Thats it fam...I'm gonna go get teased once again...I just keep telling myself that this time will be different...Hopefully, cause I don't think I can go another day without feeling a dack, fanga, toe, something, inside the orifices of my chocolaty goodness...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
This Marriage Is In Trouble...I Think We Need Counseling...
What do you mean, we're fine...Do you hear the shit that you have me listening too...Come on, this is too much for me...Whatever happened to the days when you would woo me with insatiable lyrics such as "There be some love making, heartbreaking, soul shaking love"...Or remember the time when I was going through some things and you came to the rescue with "My Life"...Whats up baby...Tell me what I have to do to make things like they used to be...I guess it will never be the same, I mean you told me in your own words "Its never as good as the first time"...But why must it be this way...Why must you who once was a rebel now conform to this garbage lingo, bubble gum nonsense, and expect me to live in this household when I am truly partial to the first...I can't go on this way...Either you change up your ways or I will be forced to leave you...Trust me I already have one foot outside the door...:SCENE:
Don't get me wrong counselor, he/she isn't all bad...Every now and again I fall in love once more...Just yesterday I was listening to the promo album "Fearless", by one of the children Jazmine Sullivan...I thought my heart was going to explode with joy...It satisfied me, but shortly afterwards I fell back into this devastating hatred...Its just an up and down relationship...Am I expecting perfection...Yes,Yes, I am...I know the capabilities..."I Want You"..."Extensions Of A Man"..."Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite"..."Rapture"..."My Name Is Joe"...Were pure perfection...So please excuse me if I have a hard time burying my anger for "Crank Dat"..."Wobble"...and shit such as "Marco Polo"...I have every damn right to be disgruntled, perturbed, perplexed, annoyed...Maybe I should just take "A Long Walk"...Figure this shit out...:SCENE:
What do you mean, why do I have such high expectations for the melody that is slowly diminishing?...Well because I'm stubborn and I believe that deep down below this mockery of itself...Once more I can/ will be pleased...I shall forever hold on to the days of "Building A Mystery"...I shall forever reminisce of "Reminisce"...Even though I try I "Can't Let Go"...I'm spoiled, fucking got it bad do you hear me...This love-affair began when I was too young to understand the love, warmth, pain, joy and self description behind the lyrics...I remember impeccably the first time I heard "This Masquerade"...Daddy was smoking a HOYO de MONTERREY cigar and sippin the wino...Me, myself and I, well I was in a trance...The smoothness, how George Benson made that guitar weep, the classy piano notes...Bought a tear to my eye...I was lost in the masquerade...Or the first time I was blessed to hear "The Secret Garden"...My parents were boning at the time, and I had no business up past my bedtime, but it was just so mesmerizing...Al B. Sure kicked things off with his infamous "Oh" and I knew it was on...James, James, James Ingram told me there was a melody that we could sing together...And that we did...Barry, well there are no words...And I touched myself repeatedly when Eldra said "If you think I'm gonna take care of you...If you think I got what you need...Sho you right"...Oooohhhh, excuse me once again...:SCENE:
Do I think that we can work this out?...Absolutely, but only if the promise is made that one day the melody in which I vowed to spend an eternity with will return...If not, I must say my goodbyes...For I shall not continue down this path only to be disappointed in the end...But then again, its totally worth it...For Music I will make that sacrifice...:SCENE:
Don't get me wrong counselor, he/she isn't all bad...Every now and again I fall in love once more...Just yesterday I was listening to the promo album "Fearless", by one of the children Jazmine Sullivan...I thought my heart was going to explode with joy...It satisfied me, but shortly afterwards I fell back into this devastating hatred...Its just an up and down relationship...Am I expecting perfection...Yes,Yes, I am...I know the capabilities..."I Want You"..."Extensions Of A Man"..."Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite"..."Rapture"..."My Name Is Joe"...Were pure perfection...So please excuse me if I have a hard time burying my anger for "Crank Dat"..."Wobble"...and shit such as "Marco Polo"...I have every damn right to be disgruntled, perturbed, perplexed, annoyed...Maybe I should just take "A Long Walk"...Figure this shit out...:SCENE:
What do you mean, why do I have such high expectations for the melody that is slowly diminishing?...Well because I'm stubborn and I believe that deep down below this mockery of itself...Once more I can/ will be pleased...I shall forever hold on to the days of "Building A Mystery"...I shall forever reminisce of "Reminisce"...Even though I try I "Can't Let Go"...I'm spoiled, fucking got it bad do you hear me...This love-affair began when I was too young to understand the love, warmth, pain, joy and self description behind the lyrics...I remember impeccably the first time I heard "This Masquerade"...Daddy was smoking a HOYO de MONTERREY cigar and sippin the wino...Me, myself and I, well I was in a trance...The smoothness, how George Benson made that guitar weep, the classy piano notes...Bought a tear to my eye...I was lost in the masquerade...Or the first time I was blessed to hear "The Secret Garden"...My parents were boning at the time, and I had no business up past my bedtime, but it was just so mesmerizing...Al B. Sure kicked things off with his infamous "Oh" and I knew it was on...James, James, James Ingram told me there was a melody that we could sing together...And that we did...Barry, well there are no words...And I touched myself repeatedly when Eldra said "If you think I'm gonna take care of you...If you think I got what you need...Sho you right"...Oooohhhh, excuse me once again...:SCENE:
Do I think that we can work this out?...Absolutely, but only if the promise is made that one day the melody in which I vowed to spend an eternity with will return...If not, I must say my goodbyes...For I shall not continue down this path only to be disappointed in the end...But then again, its totally worth it...For Music I will make that sacrifice...:SCENE:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Its Buttah Baby...
Hi ya fam...What it is...*Stares around the room like I haven't been lazy as hell the past few weeks*...Well its official, I'm back once again...This time for the long haul, I think...Well I start school in a few weeks...So we will see how this goes over...Anyhoo...I've pretty much done absolutely nothing for like 2 weeks straight...And now all of this must change *Sheds a single tear*...I've got to get back on the grind...I.E. blog stalking, partying, drinking...You know the usual...Anyways fam...Topic of the week(I promise to actually write it myself, not just rape wikipedia for info), I'm kinda stuck between "Labels", Music, and Fashion...I don't know, maybe I will speak on all three(Yeah right)...But as usual, ya know its the only time of the week I actually show that I am, believe it or not, a well educated ol broad...Well thats it fam...I'LL HOLLA!!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Damn Ashanti...
I don't even fuck with Ashanti like that but since Sierra basically threatened to murder me if I didn't give her new CD The Declaration a listen...I purchased and played the shyt...I ain't gonna even front, it's bangable but there is one song that I'm soooooooooo addicted to...Matter of fact I downloaded the ringtone, and set that shyt as F's ringtone...Gawd this song is the fucking truth...I can relate...
I would like to thank the good people over at Wikipedia for this delightful article...And also for the aid in my recent laziness...Yes, Yes, fam, topic of the week is Alcoholism...Ya ready...
Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes. Medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences. Alcoholism, also referred to as dipsomania[1] in the 19th and early 20th centuries, may also refer to a preoccupation with or compulsion toward the consumption of alcohol and/or an impaired ability to recognize the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Although not all of these definitions specify current and on-going use of alcohol as a qualifier, some do, as well as remarking on the long-term effects of consistent, heavy alcohol use, including dependence and symptoms of withdrawal.
While the ingestion of alcohol is, by definition, necessary to develop alcoholism, the use of alcohol does not predict the development of alcoholism. The quantity, frequency and regularity of alcohol consumption required to develop alcoholism varies greatly from person to person. In addition, although the biological mechanisms underpinning alcoholism are uncertain, some risk factors, including social environment, emotional health and genetic predisposition, have been identified.
Humph...The more you know...
Update: I should have stated this shyt before the post...But anyways, I am a certified card-carrying alcoholic...And damn proud of this "beer bellY" I'm getting...But since there is a possibility that there are minors that read this...I decided to post the down-side of partying like its 1969...Listen up youngins , if ya think the misses is fucking fabulous...Then keep believing that shyt for I shall nevah steer ya wrong...But please for the sake of your well being...Don't do the shyt that I do unless ya are protected and all that good shyt...I.E., practice safe sex, don't cuss out the popo's, don't fuck outside unless that shyt is secluded and etc...I'm an alcoholic, but I drank at least a gallon of water a day to counter-balance it...Feel me...Now go out and let loose...
Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition that results in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes. Medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences. Alcoholism, also referred to as dipsomania[1] in the 19th and early 20th centuries, may also refer to a preoccupation with or compulsion toward the consumption of alcohol and/or an impaired ability to recognize the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Although not all of these definitions specify current and on-going use of alcohol as a qualifier, some do, as well as remarking on the long-term effects of consistent, heavy alcohol use, including dependence and symptoms of withdrawal.
While the ingestion of alcohol is, by definition, necessary to develop alcoholism, the use of alcohol does not predict the development of alcoholism. The quantity, frequency and regularity of alcohol consumption required to develop alcoholism varies greatly from person to person. In addition, although the biological mechanisms underpinning alcoholism are uncertain, some risk factors, including social environment, emotional health and genetic predisposition, have been identified.
Humph...The more you know...
Update: I should have stated this shyt before the post...But anyways, I am a certified card-carrying alcoholic...And damn proud of this "beer bellY" I'm getting...But since there is a possibility that there are minors that read this...I decided to post the down-side of partying like its 1969...Listen up youngins , if ya think the misses is fucking fabulous...Then keep believing that shyt for I shall nevah steer ya wrong...But please for the sake of your well being...Don't do the shyt that I do unless ya are protected and all that good shyt...I.E., practice safe sex, don't cuss out the popo's, don't fuck outside unless that shyt is secluded and etc...I'm an alcoholic, but I drank at least a gallon of water a day to counter-balance it...Feel me...Now go out and let loose...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Save A Horse...
Ride A Cowboy...*Blank Stare*...That has got to be the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and I've heard some really dumb shit in my lifetime...Anyways Fam sorry about the anti-socialness, but this bytch has been on some real other shit lately since my return from the "Mother-Land"(Louisiana)...Lets see, I've been sleeping more than a pregnant chick...Matter of fact I took a pregnancy test to verify my status...Negative, Thank God...Drinking(hanging out with my drunk Mother for a week will do that to you, I've never drank so much in my life)non-stop...And more sleeping...But ya wants to know about my trip...Here goes, brace yourself...
Friday, the flight was amazing...Maybe thats cause I was fucking wasted and slept the entire time there...Was greeted at the airport by my ENTIRE family...I shit you not...From the Great-Grands on down to the third cousins...A bunch of black ghetto mofo's in Baton Rouge Metropolitan...

What a riot...I almost had to tell the Grands about herself for pushing up on the mans, but it was all in good fun...Made a quick stop at my favorite aunts home for a delightful meal of fried catfish, potato salad, green beans, and some other shit I can't remember...I was drunk dammit, keep up...Next stop, The Belle Of Baton Rouge...For those who are not familiar with this place...Its one of two casino boats in B.R...Lost $400 at the black-jack table within the first 20 minutes...So just imagine the dent I put in my pocketbook in two hours...But hey the drinks were free and free...Left the boat feeling loose, but oh so tired...Decided to crash in B.R. for the night(My parents moved to Alexandria, LA a while back)...
Saturday, took our fabulous asses home(This would be the first time that I would actually see the new home that my parents bought...The home that I spent most of my time in burned down last Thanksgiving, so I was really stoked about seeing it)Fucking amazing is all I can say...This is truly one family that has made a complete turn-around...I'm gonna stop right here, I feel myself getting all mushy gushy, but every chance that I get, I tell anyone with an ear our success story...The rest of the week was a little blurry, but just know that we had a BLAST...
Anyways fam here are the pics that I promised...

Me & My Aunt...Fabulous Bytches OWWWW!!!

More Sexiness...

My Baby Sis(In The Pink? Ribbon) And My Cousin...

Future A.K.A, And I Don't Know Whose Foot That Is...

Another One Of My Cousins...

On My Way Home...I Was Lit Hence The Drunken Photo Of Me Passed Out On The Couch, Taken By F...

Did Y'all Really Think I Was Gonna Leave Without Posting A Pic Of The Light(s) Of My Life...Papa Mis, And The Baby Sis...
The Rest Of The Pics Are A Little Controversial, Hence No Pic Of The Moms and the other Sisters...Just Know That That Chick(The Moms) Is What I Wanna Be When I Grow Up...Sexy Fabulous And Unstoppable...Well thats it fam, enjoy...Topic of the week, I have no idea...It will just be a surprise to us all...I'll Holla!!!
Friday, the flight was amazing...Maybe thats cause I was fucking wasted and slept the entire time there...Was greeted at the airport by my ENTIRE family...I shit you not...From the Great-Grands on down to the third cousins...A bunch of black ghetto mofo's in Baton Rouge Metropolitan...

What a riot...I almost had to tell the Grands about herself for pushing up on the mans, but it was all in good fun...Made a quick stop at my favorite aunts home for a delightful meal of fried catfish, potato salad, green beans, and some other shit I can't remember...I was drunk dammit, keep up...Next stop, The Belle Of Baton Rouge...For those who are not familiar with this place...Its one of two casino boats in B.R...Lost $400 at the black-jack table within the first 20 minutes...So just imagine the dent I put in my pocketbook in two hours...But hey the drinks were free and free...Left the boat feeling loose, but oh so tired...Decided to crash in B.R. for the night(My parents moved to Alexandria, LA a while back)...
Saturday, took our fabulous asses home(This would be the first time that I would actually see the new home that my parents bought...The home that I spent most of my time in burned down last Thanksgiving, so I was really stoked about seeing it)Fucking amazing is all I can say...This is truly one family that has made a complete turn-around...I'm gonna stop right here, I feel myself getting all mushy gushy, but every chance that I get, I tell anyone with an ear our success story...The rest of the week was a little blurry, but just know that we had a BLAST...
Anyways fam here are the pics that I promised...
Me & My Aunt...Fabulous Bytches OWWWW!!!
More Sexiness...
My Baby Sis(In The Pink? Ribbon) And My Cousin...
Future A.K.A, And I Don't Know Whose Foot That Is...
Another One Of My Cousins...
On My Way Home...I Was Lit Hence The Drunken Photo Of Me Passed Out On The Couch, Taken By F...
Did Y'all Really Think I Was Gonna Leave Without Posting A Pic Of The Light(s) Of My Life...Papa Mis, And The Baby Sis...
The Rest Of The Pics Are A Little Controversial, Hence No Pic Of The Moms and the other Sisters...Just Know That That Chick(The Moms) Is What I Wanna Be When I Grow Up...Sexy Fabulous And Unstoppable...Well thats it fam, enjoy...Topic of the week, I have no idea...It will just be a surprise to us all...I'll Holla!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
More To Come...
Hey whats up fam...I know I promised to tell details about my trip...In due time I will, its just that I partied a little too much back home and this is all that I've been doing since I got back...

Kicked off the heels...

And took my black ass to sleep...
Well fam, sometime in the near future, I will be back on my game...Until then I'm gonna finish this coontini, and crawl my ass into bed once again...Oh and the couch that ya see me passed out on most of the time is in fact in our bedroom...Only a good 10 feet away from the bed, which should let you know how badly I'm usually intoxicated...Can't even walk my ass 10 feet to the bed...HOLLA FAM!!!
Kicked off the heels...
And took my black ass to sleep...
Well fam, sometime in the near future, I will be back on my game...Until then I'm gonna finish this coontini, and crawl my ass into bed once again...Oh and the couch that ya see me passed out on most of the time is in fact in our bedroom...Only a good 10 feet away from the bed, which should let you know how badly I'm usually intoxicated...Can't even walk my ass 10 feet to the bed...HOLLA FAM!!!
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