Kicked off the heels...
And took my black ass to sleep...
Well fam, sometime in the near future, I will be back on my game...Until then I'm gonna finish this coontini, and crawl my ass into bed once again...Oh and the couch that ya see me passed out on most of the time is in fact in our bedroom...Only a good 10 feet away from the bed, which should let you know how badly I'm usually intoxicated...Can't even walk my ass 10 feet to the bed...HOLLA FAM!!!
You really needs to update this shit. Not that I don't already know about your "vacation", I just wants to know what clever way you decide to post about being caught fucking by the baby. I was in tears when you told me that. Not so much the actual being caught part, but how disturbed you were.
S-ey baby...Do you really wanna take this route with me...Have you forgot that I got some thangs on you...Some unspeakable thangs...Matter of fact you have just given me my topic of the week...Life with a Boojie Azz Clown of a Best Friend...Oh you're gonna pay now bytch...
Hurry up and catch up on you sleep so you can share every fuggin' freakin' azz detail of it! Love ya!
Jhazz I'm on it...It probably won't be until Sunday cause well we all know what takes place here on the weekends...Look how long it took me to respond...I need rehabilitation, I know...
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