Friday, the flight was amazing...Maybe thats cause I was fucking wasted and slept the entire time there...Was greeted at the airport by my ENTIRE family...I shit you not...From the Great-Grands on down to the third cousins...A bunch of black ghetto mofo's in Baton Rouge Metropolitan...

What a riot...I almost had to tell the Grands about herself for pushing up on the mans, but it was all in good fun...Made a quick stop at my favorite aunts home for a delightful meal of fried catfish, potato salad, green beans, and some other shit I can't remember...I was drunk dammit, keep up...Next stop, The Belle Of Baton Rouge...For those who are not familiar with this place...Its one of two casino boats in B.R...Lost $400 at the black-jack table within the first 20 minutes...So just imagine the dent I put in my pocketbook in two hours...But hey the drinks were free and free...Left the boat feeling loose, but oh so tired...Decided to crash in B.R. for the night(My parents moved to Alexandria, LA a while back)...
Saturday, took our fabulous asses home(This would be the first time that I would actually see the new home that my parents bought...The home that I spent most of my time in burned down last Thanksgiving, so I was really stoked about seeing it)Fucking amazing is all I can say...This is truly one family that has made a complete turn-around...I'm gonna stop right here, I feel myself getting all mushy gushy, but every chance that I get, I tell anyone with an ear our success story...The rest of the week was a little blurry, but just know that we had a BLAST...
Anyways fam here are the pics that I promised...
Me & My Aunt...Fabulous Bytches OWWWW!!!
More Sexiness...
My Baby Sis(In The Pink? Ribbon) And My Cousin...
Future A.K.A, And I Don't Know Whose Foot That Is...
Another One Of My Cousins...
On My Way Home...I Was Lit Hence The Drunken Photo Of Me Passed Out On The Couch, Taken By F...
Did Y'all Really Think I Was Gonna Leave Without Posting A Pic Of The Light(s) Of My Life...Papa Mis, And The Baby Sis...
The Rest Of The Pics Are A Little Controversial, Hence No Pic Of The Moms and the other Sisters...Just Know That That Chick(The Moms) Is What I Wanna Be When I Grow Up...Sexy Fabulous And Unstoppable...Well thats it fam, enjoy...Topic of the week, I have no idea...It will just be a surprise to us all...I'll Holla!!!
From the looks at the photos, I'm seeing nothing but replicas of you..., LOL!!! I'm glad you had fun Sis and welcome back! I've been trying to go to bed early since I've been pulling all night partyin' weekends.
Jhazz, Sis words cannot express the magnitude of fun I had with my family...They truly know how to make a sistah feel really good...And stop all that damn partying, J/K...
Torrance...I must admit, I am an avid reader of your blog...Mos Def I will blog roll ya...
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