Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sex Confessions

So... I've came to the conclusion that I am addicted to SEX!!! Sure, it may be said "what 21yr old isn't?", but I have to say that my situation is a little different. I mean I'm not selling my shit for ass or anything of the sort, but... I realize now that my addiction caused my divorce. Though I am not one bit sad that we are no longer together, I just feel really bad knowing that I led this man to believe that I am capable of settling for less. O.K. let me elaborate, sex with him was like watching paint dry, really fucking boring, and I just wasn't woman enough to explain this to him. So... I decided to stop having sex with him, caused arguments just to avoid it, until I just couldn't take the shit anymore and left. Before the questions start to pour in, yes I did try a lot shit to "spice" up this aspect of our relationship, nothing worked so I left. I know some may say that I'm a selfish bitch... I don't know who lied and said that I do, but...I don't give a fuck. Say it with me now "I Don't Give A Fuck." Okay, I'm suppose to be with a man forever and not ever have another orgasm, GTFO. I need someone with the same freaktivity that I have, and I think I've found him. The kind of man that makes you scream his name. I'm not very vocal when it comes to sex, but this man has me climbing the fucking walls. He has that stalker dick, I never meant to fall so quickly, my fucking divorce isn't even final, and already I am ready to take them vows all over again. Don't get me wrong, it's more than the sex with him that makes me want to leap again, he's just so perfect, and this is my SEX CONFESSION, so more about him later. Back to my truth, all I can say is that I know what I did was wrong, but he/it just wasn't for me. Some may say that to base love on whether or not you cum is senseless, I totally fucking disagree. How can you truly love all of that person if the person is not making you fully happy? It's downright impossible, so K.I.M. Maybe, one day the constant need for my pussy to feed will be tamed, until then... I'm sucking, fucking, sticking, moving, grinding, licking, screaming, and molesting Mr. Wright. Now if you"ll excuse me, I'm gonna go get me some daddy long stroke!!!


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

well u and me bot are addicted to sex. nice blog sister, do stop by and check me out one day if u can.

MisStory said...

I feel like a celebrity. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope that you'll continue to visit me.