Sunday, January 25, 2009

Making Love To Nikki...

We will discuss our recent disappearance sometime in the future...Lets just say the revelation will be a bit surprising...Anyhoo, I've been making love to Nikki, well not exactly, moreso Nick...Over the past couple of days I've been making some, well a ton of shocking conclusions(blame it on the weed) via my life...Long story short, I NEED TO MAKE CHANGES, whether it be financially, emotionally, spiritually, health-wise, and the list goes on...No joke I REALLY NEED TO MAKE CHANGES, this shit is insane...Anyways back to making love to Nikki...Also, in my little self-evaluation, LOVE was on the top shelf of things to be re-arranged, dusted, twisted, turned, re-did.......You know I used to think, back in my immaturity of Lessons in Love, that it never worked or could'nt possibly work because well..."He's never home", "Who's this/that bitch", "I know he's hiding something", "He's not my type", "He doesn't bank in this much a year", "He's a man, they all cheat, lie, and steal"...You know that type of shit, and up until recently I honestly had no idea why my list of relationships was short, but damaging...I.E, I've only actually "been in love" a total of three times, shocking, I know, but sooo off topic so keep up...I realize now that theres no one to blame but the one and only...You know that bitch that looks back at me when I look in the mirror...Yeah thats right, I'm to blame...Now before you give me that "Oh its not your fault, men aint shit", bullshit, let me say that I'M A GROWN ASS WOMAN...I repeat A GROWN ASS WOMAN, look that shit up and I guarantee you will see my pic next to it like whats up...Back to nikki, yeah like I was saying theres no one to blame but myself, don't get me wrong, not nah(yes nah) one of victims were perfect, not even fucking close if you ask me, but a hellava, no, 100% of an improvement than some of these so-called men festering the Earth...So how does this have anything to do with making love to nikki...Well, my man, The Dream has this song entitled "Nikki"...This song is my past-relationship to the T...And alls I can say now is I've been making love to Nikki...Peace out fam...


Anonymous said...

It's about damn time somebody said somethin'! I was gettin' ready to send the hoe police aftahs ya!

MisStory said...

hey could you tell them to bring some ice with them when they come...My drink is room temperature right