Friday, May 23, 2008

Whats Yo Fantasy...

Well since my fantasy of fucking Mr. Marcus in the back of a piggly wiggly has been shattered due to the fact of my lovely Mr. Wright, Its time to fulfill a new one. Shit you got to make sacrifices in love, anyways I can count the number of times I've been asked whats my fantasy on ten peoples hand, but never answered seriously until....

The weather has been on some other shit here lately, so we've really had nothing to do but chill at home, watch movies, drank, and gain about 10 pounds a piece from all the fast food. Anyways we we're just chillin and out comes the questions. *Gives him the are you serious look, cause knowing this mofo this is just another attempt to get some, knowing good damn well hes cut off because of the cheeseburger incident* And after a series of questions to verify his sincerity, I attempted to answer his question, but quickly realized that I had no idea. I mean I've done about everything that I could possibly fathom (except Mr. Marcus), but yet there is so much left to do. Its not the fact that I am not creative enough, its just that when it comes to him fulfilling it I want it to be "special" and original. All of these thoughts were running through my head, will he, won't he, will it be the same afterwards, whats the injury rate like... Then I realized that my "true fantasy" was being fulfilled daily. That it was not about sex at all, it was about me actually finding true happiness in a man...

Licking his lips LL Style, he slowly caressed my thigh, turned up the "Me And Mrs. Jones" and stuffed another oatmeal pie in his mouth. (Nasty bastards prolly thought I was about to say some freaky shit huh, SUCKAS) We generally have good conversation, but I have to say this was the best. Knowing him it'll only get better with time.... Well world, thats about all that I want to talk about tonight...Sooooooo I'll Holla!!!

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