Monday, June 9, 2008

What A Day...

OMG, I seriously had one of them days at work to make a bitch say FUCK THIS!!! So I walk into the spot humming the Dora The Explorer Theme(I was watching it before work), and the minute I hit the door, I gets pummeled by at least 10 complaints about this guy who won't shut the fuck up about the war. Now if there's one thing that I know, its not to EVER talk about politics and religion at work. I found this out the hard way. So after about 20 minutes of intense debating with this ass clown as to why Obama is the most worthy candidate, I fled the scene, not because I wanted to(I STANS for a good debate) but because I had to. I Had to make a few phone calls. 2 O'Clock rolls around, I start to get excited cause for once no one called in and everyone is on time. I let out a big sigh of relief, only to regret that shit minutes later. So we just hired a new cook and today was his first day of training, so far so good right, thing is, the current cook who was suppose to do the training all of a sudden took sick after I laughed at him and told him that the Lakers suck. Well they do shit, its not like I was lying to the sonofabitch. Anyways I bargained with him to stay cause if he didn't do the shit my black ass is the only other person certified for the job. And besides, I was looking, smelling, and feeling like a million fucking bucks so no way I was gonna be on a hot ass line cooking for eight hours. Yep I was only lying to myself. You know it seems like every time I actually wear my hair down to work I end up cooking, same as with whenever I wear white, I ends up slanging dishes. Well damnit, a bitch gets tired of neutral fucking colors and having my hair in buns. Back to story, the beginning of the shift with, we are gonna call him Semi, was all cool. I showed him basically everything that he needed to know to survive a shift of cooking with me, I asked if he understood all of this, yes was the answer I received so cool. About four or five hours into shift we start to get busy, so I'm like move your ass Semi, we have at least 10 orders that we need to get out like yesterday, this is another reason why I don't like training I don't have the patience. This mothafucka gets slower, and I kinda lose my cool. Aside from the fact that I have been speaking Spanglish for hours upon hours cause this mothafucka doesn't know a drop of English, I was really feigning for a shot of something and cigarette, he was only making matters worst. Oh but I survived, 10 O'Clock rolled around and I sent that mothafucka home, showing him the areas that needed to be cleaned would have only extended my 10 hour shift to 20 and I, just NO!!! I begin cleaning the shit myself so I can get the fuck out of there, and low and behold one of The Mans Exes showed up to talk once again. In case you didn't know this is one of the Bitches that I was talking about in the last post, and now was not a good time for her and I to talk. She's on this you're black and don't deserve such a fine(as in upstanding, not sexy, though that he is) white man bullshit. We've had arguments that turned into me slapping the Bitch down many, many times before, but apparently that wasn't enough. She's been basically slandering me lately, on some real bullshit, and I've been letting that shit in one ear and out the other cause anyone who knows me, knows that all of the shit isn't true, but enough is enough damnit, and trust me I let the bitch know that, but in a very professional manner considering the fact that I was still at work and my employees really look up to me. Ended that shit real quick, got everything that I needed to done, and made it home in Mach 5 speed. It was just one of them days, all I can do is shake my head and be glad that its over. Now if only I could sit on Lenny Kravitz face, that would make it so much better right now, but since he isn't here and I don't feel like explaining to my baby why there's pussy juice all over Lenny's face, I'll just sit on his. Until Next Time World...I'LL HOLLA!!!


mistarie said...

You are so frickin' hilarious. I swear you are in the wrong line of work!

MisStory said...

I'm working on it, give me a couple of years and I should be doing something more in line with my personality.